Baby Bottle

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*Hiba's p.o.v*

As I looked out the window, a wave of excitement washed over me. The sun was shining brightly, and I could see the sparkling blue waters of the ocean in the distance. I had a strong desire to go out and explore, to feel the sand beneath my feet and let the sea breeze brush against my face.

"Mama, can I see the beach?" I asked eagerly, turning to face mama, who was sitting nearby. Her eyes filled with concern, and I could sense her hesitation.

"Darling, I don't want you to go alone," mama replied, her voice filled with genuine worry. I think she's thinking that I might get lost again, but I won't!

I pouted, feeling disappointment. I didn't want to worry her, but I also longed to experience the freedom of the outside world. Sensing my disappointment, mama's expression softened.

"How about this? I'll go with you to the beach. We'll have a little adventure together," she suggested, a faint smile forming on her lips. My eyes lit up with excitement, and I nodded eagerly in agreement.

We made our way to the beach, hand in hand. The warm sand tickled my toes as we walked, and the rhythmic sound of the waves crashing against the shore filled my ears. The beach stretched out before us, vast and inviting.

I couldn't contain my excitement any longer. I let go of mama's hand and ran towards the shoreline. The soft, powdery sand felt amazing beneath my feet as I kicked and played, sending small clouds of sand into the air.

Perla watched with a mix of joy and apprehension. She stood at a safe distance, ensuring that I was safe while still allowing me to explore and enjoy my newfound freedom.

In that moment, surrounded by the beauty of the beach and the presence of the person who had become my source of comfort, I realized that I didn't need to venture far to find happiness. Sometimes, the simplest moments, shared with the ones we love, can create the most cherished memories. And as I played in the sand, I knew that this was one of those moments I would treasure forever.

I was having so much fun playing in the sand, feeling the soft grains slip through my fingers and building little castles. But suddenly, I heard mama's voice calling me from the distance. "Hiba, it's time to come inside now, sweetheart," she said gently.

I turned to look at her with big, innocent eyes, not wanting the playtime to end just yet. I hadn't even noticed that I hadn't eaten anything the entire day. But mama knew what was best for me, and she was worried about my well-being.

She came closer and reached out her arms to pick me up, but I squirmed and wiggled, not wanting to leave my little sand kingdom. "but mama, I wanna stay here!" I whined, pouting and crossing my arms.

Mama looked at me then sighed softly, her face filled with amusing. "I know you're having a great time, my little one, but it's been two hours, and you need to eat something," she explained, her voice gentle but firm.

Hesitantly, I let mama scoop me up into her arms, As she carried me inside, I continued to squirm and wiggle, trying my best to escape her gentle grasp. I wanted to go back to playing in the sand, not to be taken indoors. But mama held me firmly, her arms strong yet gently.

We entered mama's room, and I looked around, recognizing the familiar surroundings. But something caught my attention. There on mama's desk, I spotted a bottle. It was a milk bottle, and realization dawned on me. Mama had prepared a bottle for me.

My eyes widened, and I immediately started whining and fussing, trying to escape. I didn't want to be treated like a baby. I wanted to be a big girl, making my own decisions and playing freely. But mama remained calm and patient, gently soothing me.

"Come on, my little one, it's time for your milk," mama said softly, guiding me to lay on her lap. I pouted and fussed, resisting the idea. But mama's gentle persistence prevailed, and I finally gave in, hesitantly laying down on her lap.

she cradled me tenderly, holding the milk bottle to my lips. I stared at it for a moment, feeling a mix of emotions. Part of me still wanted to rebel and refuse, but deep down, I knew that mama wanted what was best for me.

With a sigh, I reluctantly accepted the bottle and began to drink, the bottle was too big, my small hands gripping it tightly. The warm milk filled my mouth, and despite my initial resistance, I couldn't deny its comforting taste.

As I drank, mama softly stroked my hair, her touch soothing and gentle. Gradually, the whining and fussing ceased, replaced by a sense of contentment. Mama's presence and the nourishing milk helped me feel safe and cared for.

As I drank the warm milk from the bottle, a cozy feeling spread through me, making me feel soothed and comfortable. Perla's gentle voice and the soft strokes on my back helped me relax even more. I started to feel sleepy, the tiredness of the day slowly fading away.

Resting in her embrace, I slowly drifted off to sleep. All the worries and troubles melted away, replaced by a peaceful calmness. I felt safe and secure.

sleep washed over me, a smile appeared on my face as I felt mama's lips on my forehead, giving me a gentle kiss.


Perla carefully laid down in the soft bed, cradling Hiba gently in her arms. She watched the peaceful expression on Hiba's sleeping face, a serene smile adorning her lips. "Sleep well, my little one. I'll be right here with you, always." The room was filled with a comforting silence, broken only by the sound of their steady breaths.

She nestled closer to Hiba, relishing in the warmth of their shared embrace. Perla's gaze never wavered from Hiba's face, as if memorizing every delicate feature, etching it into her memory. She smiled at the innocence and pureness that radiated from Hiba.

Sorry for not updating lately, and hope you enjoyed this chapter:)

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