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*Hiba's p.o.v*

My mama said it was "too dangerous" for me to play alone on the beach. I didn't understand why playing with the sand could be dangerous. So, after a lot of whining and rolling on the floor, I finally managed to convince her to let me go out. But there was one condition - I had to take Lena with me since she was known as one of the best protectors in the vampire kingdom.

Fast forward to the beach, and there we were, Lena and I, standing on the soft sandy shore. The waves crashed against the shore, creating a soothing melody that filled the air. The sun's warm rays kissed my skin, and a cool breeze gently tousled my hair. I couldn't contain my excitement as I looked at the vast expanse of sand before me.

Without wasting a moment, I kicked off my shoes and let my toes sink into the soft grains of sand. It felt ticklish and comforting at the same time. Lena stood close by, her watchful eyes scanning our surroundings to ensure our safety, even though guards were everywhere, mama only trusted me with her family members. 

As I ran my fingers through the sand, I couldn't help but marvel at the endless possibilities. I scooped it up in my hands and watched it slip through my fingers, forming little mounds and patterns. The sand was my canvas, and I was the artist, creating intricate designs and sculptures with each touch.

Every now and then, Lena would playfully tease me, pretending to be a mischievous sea creature hiding in the waves. Her laughter mixed with mine, creating a symphony of joy that echoed across the beach.

As the sun began to set, casting a golden glow over the beach, a sense of tranquility settled within me. The sand between my toes, the sound of the waves, and the companionship of Lena created a perfect harmony.

I worked even harder, adorning my sandcastles with seashells and leaves I found earlier. Each addition made my creations more magnificent, my little sand kingdom growing with each passing moment.


Hiba's eyelids grew heavy as she played in the sand, her energy gradually waning. She yawned softly, feeling the weariness settling in her small frame. Just as her eyes were about to close, she felt a pair of arms wrap gently around her waist, pulling her into a warm embrace. Startled, Hiba turned her head and was surprised to find Fidelma standing beside her.

"Are you tired, little one?" Fidelma's voice was soft, Hiba eyes widened, she thought she would never be able to see Fidelma again. She looked around, but Lena was nowhere to be found. She leaned back slightly into Fidelma's chest, finding comfort in the embrace but keeping a cautious distance.

"I... I am a little tired," Hiba admitted, her voice carrying a mixture of excitement and caution. As she glanced up, she met Fidelma's gentle gaze, a smile playing on Fidelma's lips. Hiba felt a surge of happiness at the sight of her, even if she didn't quite trust her completely just yet. "Thank you for helping me when I was lost," Hiba said, her voice soft and sincere. She couldn't help but look down, feeling a bit bashful for her stuttering words.

Fidelma's amusement and adoration were evident in her eyes as she chuckled softly. "You're most welcome, Hiba. It was my pleasure to assist you. If there's ever anything you need, please don't hesitate to reach out."

Before the conversation could continue further, Perla appeared, her presence signaling a hint of annoyance. Hiba sensed the tension in the air, though she couldn't quite grasp the reason behind it. Perla approached them, her expression composed but her protectiveness evident.

"Mama?" Hiba whispered softly, looking at Perla, Perla's expression softened as she looked down at Hiba, her gaze meeting Fidelma's briefly. Hiba couldn't help but notice a flicker of something in Perla's eyes-perhaps a touch of jealousy.

"Come, Hiba," Perla said gently, her voice filled with tenderness and affection "Let's spend some time together, just the two of us."

With a gentle tug on Hiba's hand, Perla led her away, their footsteps creating imprints in the sand as they walked side by side.

She thought Perla and Fidelma were good friends, While Hiba didn't fully understand the underlying dynamics, she trusted Perla implicitly and willingly complied.

She glanced back, catching Fidelma's gaze fixed upon her. There was a soft smile playing on Fidelma's lips. But as Hiba blinked, Fidelma seemed to vanish into thin air, leaving Hiba perplexed and longing for more.

She turned her attention back to Perla, who continued to lead her away, their steps leaving imprints in the sand. Hiba's mind swirled with a mix of emotions-a fleeting connection with Fidelma, a sense of wonder at the encounter, and an underlying curiosity that tugged at her thoughts.

Hiba couldn't help but wonder about the relationship between Perla and Fidelma. She felt a twinge of longing to explore more.

Together, they continued their day at the beach, Hiba's tiredness eventually giving way to moments of joy and laughter.

So sorry for not updating!! And I have a question for you guys, what would you like to see it future chapter of this story? Tell me what you think and hope you enjoyed this chapter<33

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