Her Mother

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*Hiba p.o.v*

few days had passed, and I continue visiting the queen in her private garden. I still feel uncomfortable around her, But to be honest she didn't do anything wrong to me. And the only thing we do when we are together is setting and watching the birds fly around the garden quietly.

she also helped me get closer to the blue bird i met before. I had to think about a suitable name for the bird after the queen gave me the permission to name her. so after alot of thinking I chose the name zarqa. which in my original language means blue. I think it a great name for a beautiful bird like my birdie. The queen also thought it was a pretty name.

but I still can't let my guard down. even if she's nice. I can't get the idea that her kind was the reason of my family death out of my head. I know she is not the one that ordered them to do it. but it still feels weird to me.

anyway right now I'm heading to the kitchen to have breakfast with Zahra, then I will have head straight to work.

I entered the kitchen and found some maids cooking, and others chatting, and some are just eating quietly. my eyes landed on the girl with brown hair, Zahra, with a book in her hands. She really loves reading books. I walked over to her.

"Good morning", she looked up at me and smiled, "morning" she said.

So after we had breakfast together, we were going back to our work. Zahra told me that there is a special guest coming to the castle today, and that she needed to go help the other maids prepare something. When I asked her who the guest was, she told that she is not allowed to tell the new servants about these topics. To be honest I was disappointed, but nodded anyway.

After she left I began working on taking care of the plants, watering them, getting rid of the dead plants and other stuff.

Three hours of working in this giant garden I've decided to take a break. So I set down under a tree, enjoying the beautiful view of the garden.

After a few minutes I went back to work. when I stood up I heard a voice, a beautiful voice, singing. The voice was close otherwise how could I have heard it.

I followed the sound. and with every step I could hear the voice more clearly. When I got closer to the voice, the person stops singing. I look around but I could not find anyone, I was so disappointed.

I was about to go back, when a voice said. "Hello there, little girl"

I turned around quickly, and there was a strange woman standing in front of me, I was so confused.

"H-hi" I said shyly, the woman smiled at me, she was so beautiful. "The weather is nice today, is it not?", She asked looking at the sky, "it is, yes" I answered. I suppose she was the one singing.

She began walking towards me, I stepped back a little, what if she wanted to hurt me, she was a stranger after all, I have no idea what she capable of, and she is probably a vampire, there is no humans in here except servants, and by her look it is obvious that she's not a servant.

"Do you need any help, miss?" I asked trying to get away from her as soon as possible, "yes, I have a question for you my dear" she said, facing me directly.

"Have you met Perla?", I looked at her confused. "Perla?, I'm afraid I do not know anyone with the name Perla" she chuckled a little, "I meant the Queen, the vampires Queen".

My eyes widened at the new information, so the Queen's name was Perla? Cool, wait that's not the point. Why is this woman calling the queen by her first name? Does she knows her?, I had a lot of questions so I decided to say something.

"Y-yes I have met the queen before". She nodded. "I thought so". "what do mean?", I asked her confused, why would she thinks I've met the queen, the Queen requested to not tell anyone about us meeting each other, so I'm pretty sure our meetings were private.

"Her scent is all over you". Her scent?, "Why would her scent be all over me". I asked her. "She is a vampire, my dear. And if you were around vampires for too long, their scent will be all around you". Is this too much for me? Yes it is, should I turn around and run away? Maybe, but I'm so curious, aghh damn it hiba.

I nodded my head "but how do you know the Queen?.. if you don't mind me asking, my lady". She smiled and put her large hand on my left cheek, rubbing her thumb against my cheek.

"I am her mother"


I am so sorry I didn't update anything for the last couple of weeks. I was so busy with some important exams and other stuff. Anyway I took a little break from studying to write this chapter, so I hope you like it.

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