Chapter 23: Who Are You?

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The smoke spread, Michael couldn't cover it well enough. It slowly started heading down the steps, this was not gonna end well. I kept Michael's shirt tight on my mouth and nose so I could take my last few breaths before the smoke made it all the way toward me. I only got at least 5 more deep breaths until it hits me. Michael rushes down to me like he was limping since his rotting purple corpse self was showing. He looked around with his black eyes and white pupils. The smoke was almost at my feet.

"Michael, I-" Michael stops me and pushes his shirt closer to my mouth and nose more tighter.

"Don't even try to speak, you'll waste your last breaths." Michael explained, I kept his shirt tight like he pushed it. I nodded at him. "Let's just hope your other animatronic friend gets here fast. Wait, isn't my dad still outside? Would he wake up by now? Maybe I could yell out to him!"

I didn't even know what to think after Michael mentioned William. William could've been taken again, or thrown into the fire Golden Freddy had started in this pizzeria. He could've already burned to the crisp... no! I can't think like this, not while I'M close to that stage! The smoke reached me, I tried to take the smallest breaths I could so I could at least last a while longer. Plus, I had other questions in my mind. What if Glamrock Freddy can't make it inside because of the fire? Will he even make it before I burn to a crisp and rot like Michael's purple body? All I could do now is hope for dear life.

I could hear the fire now, it must've spread almost the entire building by now. I could hear some of the tables upstairs burning loudly and breaking every few seconds. Soon enough all I'd be able to hear is Michael screaming out to me as I die. I heard a few slight crashes around upstairs. Was that a stage light that fell? The smoke was getting higher, I started only breathing smoke. All I could hear now was fire and Michael yelling out to William.

"Dad! Help! You out here!? Someone!" Nobody answered, or busted down the door. It was just me and Michael against everything. Michael runs down to me. "Y/N it'll be okay, we'll be safe soon I promise."

"Don't promise things that might now happen!" I shouldn't have said anything, I coughed out some smoke that hit my mouth hard when I said it.

Michael held me close, I didn't even care about the feeling of his corpse, or the smell. I only cared about being beside him and him being the last thing I see before I die. If we don't get saved, I'll no doubt be dead. Michael will probably get some sort if depression, William probably doesn't give a fuck if I die anyway since his whole family including himself is dead. But Michael cared, and that's one of the many reasons as to why I always thought of him as such a good friend. I remembered the times we had when we were 7 and under. The times when everything was... calm, sweet, fun, enjoyable no matter what. Memory after memory went to my head; I didn't think of the fire's smoke surrounding me and Michael anymore, just memories. Then it took us to 11 years old, the year I had to leave.

6 years later, I met Charlie. Then throughout another year, we both went to her house. It was my first time seeing it, and meeting Henry Emily. That day we went to a diner, and that's when after 7 years I saw Mrs. Afton. At the diner we went to, sitting by herself. Her beauty was everything, she was always such a beautiful woman, William was lucky to have her. And that's when I finally saw all the Aftons again 3 days later. I smile as I hugged Michael tight, he may still be 18, and same with Charlie, and I may be 20 now, but I didn't care. I don't care what future awaits me anymore, I got what I needed. The Aftons, my second family I adored as a kid, and still to this day.

I started feeling light-headed. The smoke was deep in my lungs, this was my last few minutes or even seconds for sure. I look at Michael in his black with white pupiled eyes, he stares right back. I saw inches of black fading in more and more around me. I was gonna black out. This was it. I was done for... thud. I felt myself fall to the floor.

"Y/N NO!"

Those were the last words I heard from Michael as everything turned completely black. My body hurt, my lungs hurt. I tried to breath, no use. I heard a big crash, sounded like it came from the door. But after that, everything went quiet. Am I dead? Is this what being dead looks like? What if feels like? Just... black darkness everywhere...? After a few more seconds I heard noise again, but it wasn't someone I recognised. Who was speaking to me, and how did they know my name?

"It'll be okay, Y/N. Let's take you to safety..."

Sounded like an animatronic voice, but it didn't sound like the Originals, or Glamrock Freddy. Or even Sun Roxy Monty or Glamrock Chica. But it was a soothing voice, a soothing male voice. I couldn't remove the black darkness to see who it was. I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't move; not even my eyelids. I felt the animatronic hold me, then I could feel it walking. I could hear footsteps beside him, was it Michael? I didn't know, but I wanted to know. All I wanted now was to open my eyes to see my saviour that sounded like a soothing animatronic.

Who are you? I try to say, but it only appeared in my mind. I remained calm as I let whatever take me take me to wherever they were going to.

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