Chapter 17: The Figure At The Back Door

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"Officer Vanessa! Please let me explain-!"

"I don't want to hear any excuses, Freddy! Come with me Y/N, we have to get you out of here. Now."

Vanessa then held my arm tight as we walked out. For someone who was probably a few years older than me, she was strong. Well, at least I got what I wanted, an escape. But did I? Glamrock Freddy watched as Officer Vanessa took me away toward the entrance.

"I wanted to leave I swear! It was just- everything was shut and I couldn't escape!" I try to tell her, she rolls her eyes and we stop walking. But her grip remained on my arm.

"Then why didn't you come to me? You know I'm here! There's always one guard at night-shift." She asks, I thought of what to answer, but honestly she was right. As much of a bad feeling I get from her... I should've just accepted and let her kick me out of the place. "Anyway, there's a woman here to pick you up with their oldest son or something."

Mrs. Afton! Was it her? Yes. It was her! She stood beside her blue car, I could catch a glimpse of Michael in the front passenger seat. Michael didn't look at me, I didn't blame him. Not after what I said to William. I'm surprised he even came along with Mrs. Afton. Officer Vanessa and Mrs. Afton but say goodbye and I get into a back seat in the car. I say nothing, knowing if I tried Michael wouldn't answer me. Mrs. Afton gets in the drivers seat and starts up the car to drive us back to the Afton's house.

We were all silent the entire way there. I knew that they were upset with me... I knew they'd probably never forgive me... but I had to stay with them. I cared for them, I loved them. But what about Glamrock Freddy? I had my watch still, I'll just talk to him through that. Plus, I had bigger problems to deal with...

"Oh shut up I know your curiosity, you definitely wanna go back, I'm NOT allowing it!"

Well, I'm 20 now, meaning I'm an adult just like you. SO YOU CAN'T TELL ME IF I'M ALLOWED TO GO OUT OR NOT!"



That still hadn't left my mind, and now it definitely won't now that I'm back with the Aftons. I need to apologise, right now. Luckily I had the chance because we were back at the house. We all go inside and Elizabeth and C.C come give me a hug. I hug back gently bending down to their height. Then I stand again after the hug. I look up the top of the stairs to see William. He had that creepy yellow rabbit with purple eyes mask in one hand. Something inside me wanted to ask what it was, but I never brought up the words. I remained silent, and so did they.

The Aftons and I just stare at one another glancing at each person in the room. Was William waiting for me to say sorry? Probably. I decided to break this long silence which was starting to get really awkward, and say something.

"I'm- I'm sorry for what I said to you earlier, William." I begin, William's face which was looking at Mrs. Afton then suddenly turned to face me. "For what I said about Elizabeth and C.C, and Michael..." Michael then looks away, he was my childhood friend. I couldn't lose him.

"I'm going to my room for a bit." Michael said quietly, he began walking up the stairs passing his father at the top to go into his bedroom. I sigh, I knew he was upset...

"It's fine, Y/N... I don't blame you for saying it." William finally speaks. "I made the robots, I killed the 6 kids, one being Charlie... I'm surprised to even be still alive after all that shit I went through... as both human and animatronic."

"Don't blame yourself completely on this, honey. It wasn't all your fault." Mrs. Afton added. "But of course, I still won't forgive you for what you did to the children... to the family. Just be lucky I love you still, as heartbroken as I've been feeling for so long."

William looks away from everyone like Michael did before. Speaking of Michael, I knew I had to talk with him. So, I walked up the stairs and past Will at the top. I make it to Michael's bedroom, the door was shut. I hesitate before knocking. After I knocked, there was no reply. I knocked again, still nothing. Then I knocked one more time.

"Jeez! Just go away! I don't want to talk to anyone!"

Shit... Michael sounded really upset. He wasn't gonna forgive me was he? He wanted nobody to be in his way anymore... so I'm going to do so. For now on, I was gonna sleep on the couch.

Meanwhile, I was laying down on the couch, everyone was upstairs sleeping. I turn on my Faz-watch and call Glamrock Freddy. No answer. Maybe he needed to recharge? Maybe he was busy? I didn't want to attempt a re-call. I think about everything that happened today. The dancing rabbit lady, seeing Glamrock Bonnie's destroyed body that I had to make sure Glamrock Freddy didn't see, when Officer Vanessa caught me and took me to Mrs. Afton and Michael. I felt a tear slowly escaping my eye.

"Psst..." My eyes widen at the sound. What was that? "Psst!" There it was again but a little louder this time. I sit up, I look around the room, then when I looked at the back door, it was open. A figure was outside staring at me with its black eyes and white pupils. It moved closer, I could see it a little clearer this time. It was... Chica. The real Chica. The yellow Chica with a bib that said "LET'S EAT!!!!".

"Chica?" I say quietly.

"Quick, come with me. We need your help with something." Chica explains gesturing me to come outside. "I'll explain on the way to the pizzeria."

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