Chapter 1: Must See Family

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I... I can't believe it.

It's been so long, so long since I've seen the Aftons. At least two years. I'm now 20 years old, no longer 18 like the year I saw them again after 7 long years. I can drive now, finally got my license earlier last year. But I still don't know what to think about what had occurred 2 years ago. Charlie and Henry's deaths, William dying, Michael getting his leg almost ripped off. Not to mention, they aren't even completely dead, they're all possessing a robot or something, apart from Michael I think, that's the other way round, gross...

But deep inside, I want to go to them, I feel as if I need to see them. Be by their side again and show that I still love them, but I told Michael "As I get on this plane and leave the country... I will forget we ever met."... would he even let me see him after that? C.C, Elizabeth, Mrs. Afton, William, Charlie, Henry... Michael. Every time I hear those names ring in my ear my head starts to hurt and my body begins to shake. I even start to feel slight tears trying to escape my eyes.

No... NO! I'm going back to them! I need to understand how and why they're like what they've become. I love them, they were my second family. Always had been, I'm ditching this fucking country and getting my ass back at their home NOW!


I got off of the plane, I looked around. The place I was born, the place I missed, the place where the Aftons were. I managed to get a taxi and told the driver to take me to the Afton's address. Was this the right thing to do? Should I do this... should I not? I started feeling a regretful feeling in my stomach, I crossed my arms over it carefully. I watched the houses fly past through the taxi car window as I was driven closer and closer to the house. And soon enough, I arrived.

I got out of the taxi with my belongings and thanked the driver as they drove away behind me. I looked up at the house, the same old purple car with the silver Freddy Fazbear head at the front of the garage. I walked up the steps slowly, unsure what to do. Knock? Ring the doorbell? Yell out? I let my luggage fall from my hands to beside me, luckily none went down the stairs, that would be noise anyone could hear. I inhale and exhale slowly then put my hand at the door. I felt the nice smooth wood the door was made of, I remember when I reunited with the Aftons two years ago, with Charlie when she was alive. She was the reason why I got to see them again. Not only because we saw Mrs. Afton at that diner, but because Henry was William's best friend and partner for their job.

Thank you Charlie, thank you for letting them see me that day...

I finally bring up the courage to knock at the door. I knocked three times and waited, I felt more and more anxious every second. Shit, I think this was a bad idea, maybe I should just walk to a house for sale nearby and get it? I'd at least be living near them, I turned around to walk away. I went down the steps with my belongings and slowly went away from the house, until I heard someone. Someone saying my name, they saw me. They knew me, and I could recognize that voice anywhere.

"Y/N! Is that you!?"

I turn around getting an unexpected huge squeeze which made me drop my luggage. It was Michael, Michael Afton. My childhood friend, I couldn't even explain how much I missed him. I hugged him back without hesitation, I needed that hug more than ever. After a little bit during the hug, I look up again and see Mrs. Afton C.C and Elizabeth with shocked faces seeing me here. When Michael and I stopped hugging Lizzy immediately jumped into my arms, she was such a sweetheart. C.C also came over to give a hug, after hugging the little kids, Mrs. Afton gave me a warm welcome back hug.

"We thought we'd never see you again dear." Mrs. Afton explained. "We were so worried when you ran off after finding out our true selves. And when Michael told us you left the country, we felt so guilty."


I made them feel guilty.

I'm... I'm a fucking demon, why would I do this to them!?

"I'm sorry," I began after hugging Mrs. Afton, I caught a glimpse at Michael wiping a tear off his eye. I couldn't tell if it was a happy one or sad one at this point. "I didn't want to leave but, I was just... so freaked out and confused. I didn't know what to do."

"Well at least you're back! Charlie has missed you!" Elizabeth replied smiling her cute little smile. "So has Uncle Henry, and daddy."

William. The man who murdered Charlie, the man who killed Elizabeth's friend Gabriel along with another four. The man who had a springlock incident, how did any of the Emilys or Aftons forgive him? I don't even know if I forgive him. But, I did want to see him, I missed him as much as everyone else. The four of them asked me to take my luggage inside, they said I could live with them until I find a good house to live in. When I was inside putting my luggage back in Michael's room, I didn't see William the whole time. But I saw Charlie and Henry.

"Y/N! It's so good to see you again!" Charlie said happily as she gave me a big tight squeeze like Michael did outside.

"Good to see you too, I'm sorry I ran off like that two years ago..." I replied to her after our hug, she held my hand and accepted the apology thank goodness.

Henry was there too, we had a small quick-ish hug since we still don't know each other as well. But I haven't found William anywhere, I wanted to ask one of the Aftons where he was, but I'd rather look for him myself. Maybe he's in his study room? I decided to look there. I went upstairs without anyone noticing and hesitated before I opened the door. And there was William, with a... weird bunny looking suit?

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