Chapter 9: Who Is She?

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I immediately turn to see William at his study room door. I still had the plastic rabbit lady mask on, I couldn't take it off. The sounds and words coming through it made me leave it on. Before I could say anything, Will ripped the plastic mask off me and almost threw me out of the room! He slammed the door shut once I turned to the door. I stare at the door in shock, confusion, and curiosity. Why did he have a home-made rabbit lady suit and an extra plastic mask? All I knew from what the sounds and voice said inside that mask was that he didn't make it. She did... but, who was she?

"Y/N... Y/N..." What was that calling my name?

It sounded like, Glamrock Freddy? I look at my watch, almost forgot I had it on. I see a voice message on it, I ran into the bathroom and locked the door so nobody could hear or see. I click open the message to see what it said.

"Y/N, I don't know if you can hear this. But if you can, it's me Freddy. I hope you made it home safely, but I feel I'm missing you. Not to mention everyone still thinks you're here. I'd tell them you're not but then I'll be sent to my room and remain locked in for the rest of the night."

"Aww that's sweet, you miss me already." I reply on the watch, I heard a small giggle, god he's adorable!

"If you want, you can always come back. I could keep you safely secure and make sure you don't get past any other animatronics. There's a lot of the Pizzaplex to discover..."

I sighed, I wasn't sure. Should I go back? Well, I always kind of wanted to see the rest of the giant place. But I was afraid that Officer Vanessa might catch me, or catch Glamrock Freddy helping me. And if Charlie and Michael or even Elizabeth or C.C find out, they'd tell William Mrs. Afton or even Henry. And I don't want that. I had another few seconds of thought, but before I could reply there was a knock at the bathroom door. I jumped up quickly at the sound turning off the watch.

"Y/N? Are you in here?" It was Elizabeth, I didn't expect to hear her. "Mummy said that she wants to talk to you. I don't know why but she told me to bring you now, it sounded serious."

Serious... shit, god knows what she's been told. Did Charlie and Michael tell her about the Pizzaplex? I hope not, but by the way Lizzy explained Mrs. Afton wanting me right now made me wonder otherwise. I tell Glamrock Freddy I had to go and he accepted sweetly. I slowly go downstairs, god knows what this woman is gonna say to me. But she can't really make choices for me anymore, I'm 20 now. But whatever she wants e for, this'll be interesting.

"Hi Y/N." Mrs. Afton greeted me as I sat beside her on the couch, C.C was on her lap. "C.C dear can you leave the room so I can talk to Y/N?"

"Okay." C.C replied as he got off of Mrs. Afton's lap and walked off giving me a slight glimpse, I watched him before he disappeared.

I look back at Mrs. Afton, she gave me her same old warm facial expression that always made me feel comfortable. But she didn't say anything, she remained silent. Then she repositioned herself and put her hands on her lap, such a proper dead woman. I continue to make eye-contact with her, she was still silent, at this point was she just lying as an excuse to admire me?

"What was it you wanted?" I asked politely not to seem rude. "You're just uh, staring."

"What I wanted to say was, Michael and Charlie told me where you three went to. And how they had to leave you behind. I wanted to know if you were okay, any injuries along the way or anything scary that happened to you."

I look away from her, what do I say to that? How do I explain that I was planning on going back? She's worried about me, I thought of what I was gonna say.

"No, nothing. I'm not hurt, nothing bad happened either. I was- trying to go to an officer to leave quicker." What a fucking idiotic lie, I'd be lucky if she believed me.

"Oh I see, what made you go there anyway? Did Mike and Charlie force you to go?" She actually believed me, didn't expect that.

"No they didn't force me. They told me about it, and I though it'd be cool to see I guess..."

Mrs. Afton sighed, it sounded sad and worried. I can tell she just wants to protect me, she probably even thinks I'm still afraid of the Aftons and Emilys. Since, you know they're all dead. But the Aftons were my childhood family that cared for me, Michael is my best friend. C.C and Elizabeth were young when I left, but I never forgot them. Not even William, who really was like a father to me, until I saw what he did 7 years later when I was 18 not 20.

"Well, I'm gonna go to bed now, and take C.C and Lizzy to their beds as well. I advise you do the same." Mrs. Afton told me, I nodded and we both got up.

I went onto the floored mattress again beside Michael's bed. Michael turned his body to look down at me. I stared back for a couple seconds then looked at the white roof. Michael continued to stare, but he looked as if he wanted to say something.

"Did my mother scold you?" Michael finally asked as he lied back down on his bed.

"No, you know her. She forgives people easily." I reply, Michael nods slowly.

"I'm sorry Charlie and I had to leave you behind. We couldn't stay to help look for you, and the officer wouldn't let us stay until we find you."

"I don't blame the officer, she didn't sound very happy. But on the bright side, I loved going inside and seeing it with you."

Michael smiled, I may be now 2 years older than my own best friend, but that doesn't mean I'm not childish anymore. Plus, I think HE would be WAY older than me if it weren't for his death in the 80's. Honestly I think he would've been dead by now anyway, so I probably would never have had the chance to meet him. We goodnight each other, and I waited for everyone to be in deep sleep. Because, I was gonna go back. I'm going back to the Pizzaplex, this very night. To see Glamrock Freddy and see these little parts of the place that I haven't explored yet. It'll be annoying with Officer Vanessa around, but hey, it wouldn't hurt to be rebellion again.

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