Chapter 22: Trust This Animatronic

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"Freddy! Can you hear me!?" I say into my faz-watch.

A few seconds later, I heard "Y/N? Are you alright? You sound upset."

Yes! I managed to contact Glamrock Freddy! Michael looked down the steps where I was, his eyes widened in confusion. While I explained to Glamrock Freddy what was happening, Michael came down and sat on the last step beside me listening. I could tell he had no idea what was happening.

"Oh no! That is bad news! Don't worry, I'll try to get there as fast as I can. As long as I have enough recharge... but I'll make sure to have enough. I just need to sneak out, I'll make it there soon. Just stay safe during the time." Glamrock Freddy ended the call.

"Who was that?" Michael asked quickly.

"Someone I should've asked for help ages ago..." I reply, I stand from the last step and look around the empty basement. Has Golden Freddy set the place on fire yet? I couldn't smell any smoke.

Michael remains seated on the last step in confusion. Who was the person, or thing Y/N was contacting? I assumed he thought. I saw old cracks and markings on the walls and floors, a black spider crawled out of one from the wall. I jumped back watching it scurry around until it went into a different hole. Great. We have a spider infestation down here. What's next, rats? I shouldn't jinx it. I inhaled and exhaled slowly. I felt a slight chill, it wasn't warming up. It was getting colder. Did Golden Freddy lie? I doubt it, he wouldn't lie if he wanted to kill me. I guess he just wanted to wait 'til the right time to start the fire. It is his pizzeria after all, maybe he had second thoughts?

Michael then finally stands and walks up to me. I look at him, his dry blooded head gave me the heebie-jeebies. We stared at each other silently. What else was there to do? Nothing was in the basement. Just cracks for spiders and rats to crawl in and out of. Michael sighs and looks away, I saw the area where Foxy scratched him causing his dry blood to spill before. I was starting to think this was all my fault. I shouldn't have gone back to the pizzeria, heck, I shouldn't have come back to this country! I shouldn't have come back to the Aftons and Emilys.

"Do you blame yourself?" Michael finally speaks still looking away from me. I continued to look at him but this time in confusion. "About everything I mean. Because if you do, none of it is your fault..."

It was like he read my mind. I remained silent, what could I answer to that? Michael looks at me again. I felt slightly watery in my eyes, none came out though. I tried to keep them in, it was stupid to cry over something like that. At least, I thought it was. That was until I saw a small tear fall from Michael's right eye. He didn't wipe it or touch it in any way, he just let it fall down his cheek until it landed on his shirt. The marking of his tears' trail stayed there. I wanted to hug him, this could be the last time I ever speak or be beside him.

Michael thought of the same thing apparently, since he placed a hand on my shoulder. He used his other hand to look at my wrist Foxy gripped on, it was a pinkish-red. He looks up at me, I stare back. Who knew being silent could feel so loud and confusing? He releases both hands from my wrist and shoulder, then looks away again. I look away as well, unsure of what to say. Should I tell him about Glamrock Freddy so he doesn't freak out when he sees him? Maybe...

"Michael, the thing I spoke to through my watch was another animatronic." I finally explain, Michael looks at me in shock.

"Another animatronic? Seriously! You thought you were friends with those five but they were half-using you. Why wouldn't this one do the same?" Michael asked.

"Because this one isn't like the others. Glamrock Freddy is a very good, sweet, and caring animatronic. Who wouldn't hurt anyone; he helped and tried his best to help me escape the Pizzaplex when I was trapped in there. I snuck out of your house to see him the time I did get stuck... he cares, Michael. He really does."

After a minute or so, Michael finally nods; agreeing to this rescue Glamrock Freddy was gonna do for us. But the only problem is, if the fire does end up starting will he be able to get us out alive? Will Glamrock Freddy survive this fire? What if he couldn't even get in? I didn't think this through very well. That's when I smelt something. Something definitely not good.

"Y/N... do you smell that?" Michael obviously smelt it too. I nodded, we went up the top of the steps and listened and smelled at the door.


Golden Freddy did it.

He started a fire.

Michael grabbed my hand and quickly took us down the bottom of the steps. How were we gonna survive the smell of smoke? Will the fire spread into the basement? I hoped not. That's when I saw Michael turning purple and rotten. He was trying to defend himself from the fire so he wouldn't have to suck it in. Then he rips off his shirt and hands it to me.

"Use it to cover your mouth so you can breath." Michael explained. I honestly didn't want to cover my mouth with it since it had slight bits of sweat and dried blood still on it. But what other choice do I have?

I agreed and put it on my mouth and nose. I inhaled and exhaled small deep breaths in, just in case the smoke got severe and I had to hold it in. I prayed that Glamrock Freddy would show up soon, if he didn't... I could die down here. Michael's rotting skin didn't even bother me, the smoke did. That's when I saw slight foggy stuff coming through the door.

"Shit!" Michael scolded. "The smoke is getting in. Stay down here at the bottom as far away as possible, I'll try to cover it."

I moved to the very back corner and sat keeping Michael's shirt covering my mouth and nose. I prepared to inhale a deep breath soon when the smoke gets too close. I couldn't see Michael at the top of the steps, but I knew he was trying his best. He knew I wasn't dead like them, so he just wanted to protect me. Such a sweet childhood friend he is...

Please come fast, Glamrock Freddy. If I die here, I want to at least tell the Aftons I love them dearly, as a family... and that you, Glamrock Freddy are a good new friend...

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