Chapter 12: Glamrock Bonnie

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"Was this 'Bonnie' a good friend of yours?" I ask Glamrock Freddy, we were both no longer hugging and now talking on the floor, but he still looked really upset.

"Glamrock Bonnie...? He was my best friend." Glamrock Freddy explains to me slowly. "We would do everything together, especially when I sung and he played bass. He would always call me a 'superstar' when we preformed. And we promised to protect each other forever. But... I-I wasn't there to save him today..." He was now sobbing a little, struggling to say anything else; he wiped his eyes with one of his hands.

"You must've been really close then, unlike with the others. You had more friendship and trusted him most." I reply slowly, trying not to make him feel worse.


Glamrock Freddy was now hugging his legs. How long is he gonna be like this for? I hope not forever, I couldn't bare seeing him like this any longer. I was about to go in for another hug when we heard a dragging noise coming from outside the Glamrock's rooms. We peeked through the red curtains to see what it was, it was... Officer Vanessa, carrying something. Something big. And blue or purple, I couldn't tell what colour... was that, Glamrock Bonnie? I could barely see it, but I'm pretty sure he had some sort of bowling ally looking outfit on, or was that a bowtie on his chest and a star on his eye? Glamrock Freddy gasped, I didn't blame him, Glamrock Bonnie looked severely damaged. And like Glamrock Chica said, he's unfixable. So, where was Vanessa taking him? Who knew? I couldn't just go out and see. I then forgot what time it was, I checked it. 11:55PM!? I didn't realise I was here for so long, I had to go before it closed.

"Freddy, I-I'm sorry but the place is gonna close very soon and I need to get out before I get stuck here." I explain to him.

"Oh, right... I didn't realise it was nearly midnight already." Glamrock Freddy didn't sound very pleased, especially after everything that's been going on.

"Don't worry! I can visit tomorrow night if you want."

"Sure, maybe we could actually walk around the Pizzaplex next time as well. Since, I really do want to show you around."

I wave goodbye and leave through the door Chica opened. I had to make sure Vanessa wasn't near or anyone else, so I looked and snuck cautiously around the building. Huh, I was starting to get used to knowing the way to the entry and exit, even though I've only been here twice. After a little bit, I managed to get to near the entry. I checked the time as I jogged toward the door, only 11:57PM. Three minutes until the doors shut completely.

"Quite the stupidity, Monty. We know you were part of this!"

I turn and see the wolf, alligator and Glamrock Chica talking to each other and coming this way! Shit, there was nowhere to hide except leaving. But, I wanted to listen... I hide somewhere close to the doors. I have three minutes, shouldn't go THAT quick, right...? Turns out the alligator's name is, Monty?

"I'm tellin' ya Roxy, I didn't do anything!" Monty explained, so that was the wolf's name?

"You must've done something, last time anybody saw him he was in your golf area." Chica said in a sad tone.

"I didn't do ANYTHING! Yes, I've been a LITTLE jealous of him... and I always wanted to be more, but I wouldn't dismantle one of our friends just to do so!"

"Hey, what's going on here?" It was Glamrock Freddy! He's come to see what was happening. "Chica, Roxanne, Montgomery, why are you all arguing?"

"Bonnie's last sighting was at Monty Golf right?" Roxanne tells Glamrock Freddy, he nods in agreement slowly. "So, who else could've done this other than MONTY!" She points at him in pure anger.


"Guys please, remain calm." Glamrock Freddy demands in a kind tone. "I know what happened to Bonnie is affecting us, especially myself... but we can't put the blame on somebody until we have proof and figure it out completely."

"We have figured it out, Freddy!" Roxy explained, she puts a hand on Chica's shoulder pad. "He went to Monty Golf, at who knows what time! So who else could it have been?"

Glamrock Freddy sighs, he looks up at Montgomery. Montgomery could see the pain in Glamrock Freddy's eyes. "You really don't think it was me! Do you, Freddy...?"

"No, Monty. I don't... let's all go back to our rooms, it's just about midnight now. We need to recharge up for the morning."

Just about midnight!? Oh no, the doors! I turn, and see them shutting! I try to get through from underneath but they were already locked! I move back and watch the front doors completely shut. Dammit, I should've left, now I'm stuck here! I see Glamrock Freddy going in a different direction to the other three. Maybe I'll get the opportunity to stay with him.

"Psst! Freddy!" I whisper-yelled, Glamrock Freddy turns his head and sees me, in shock he walks over hoping nobody witnesses.

"Y/N, what're you still doing here? The Pizzaplex has just shut! I thought you said you were gonna go." Glamrock Freddy says.

"Yeah I know, but then I overheard your conversation with your friends and-"

"You listened to our conversation? Hmm, well you know more about my friends now I guess..."

"Freddy, do you really believe Monty for this? Roxy said that it was him who did it."

"I wish I knew, but I do believe him. Roxy can be a snitch sometimes, so I don't blame her for thinking it was him. Yes, Bonnie was dismantled in Monty Golf, but that doesn't mean it's Monty who did it... at least, I hope."

"You hope?"

"Yes, Monty has been a little jealous of Bonnie for quite sometime, he'll now be the one to play bass now I'm assuming. He's probably gonna get himself some claws like Bonnie did."

"Oh by the way, I'm kind of trapped in here. Do you mind helping me?"

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