Chapter 20: "What do we do...?"

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I should've helped Michael...

I can't leave him like that...

I hope he finds some sort of first-aid kit...

Foxy was bolting, I honestly forgot how fast he really was. William was still outside, but I couldn't tell if he was finally awake or not. And it was far too risky to check outside. So I kept running and my adrenaline kicked in like crazy trying to help me outrun Foxy. What next!? Where do I go? The place has many dead-ends, the only area I could use was the front doors. But I couldn't leave the place, not with Michael in the kitchen.

"Foxy!" I yell, he didn't stop. I take deep breaths in and out, I was running out of stamina. "FOXY!" Still nothing, his glowing yellow eyes shone in the darker parts of the pizzeria. I was pretty much just running laps with him like we were in the Olympics races or something.

I've almost ran out of breath, my heart was beating faster then it ever has. Should I risk going into the office and shut the doors? Fuck it. If I run anymore, I'll probably pass out. So, I quickly made it toward the office on the west side. Foxy was still very close behind me with the same speed he had the whole time. Lucky he didn't have any stamina issues since he's an animatronic. I managed to skid right into the office and pressed the DOOR button as soon as I could. I did it! The door was shut, Foxy was outside of it banging the door. I took deep breaths in and out, I've completely lost my stamina. I lean against the wall opposite the desk with cameras and the chair and just let myself fall to the floor. Foxy looked out the window with a what seems to be an unhappy face? I couldn't tell, their faces had that same emotionless facial expression 24/7.

Suddenly, Foxy started running off. I thought that was a bit weird considering he was trying to kill me. Why would he give up? Then I looked at the other office door, the east side. SHIT! I left the other open! I stumbled as I attempted to stand since my very low stamina fucked up my legs making them numb and missed my chance. Foxy bolted inside, he stood right at the open door staring at me in the eyes. There was silence, apart from my deep inhales and exhales. I was in a crawl position looking up at him. His left ear slightly twitched, then his bottom jaw moved an inch as well. We were just there, still as a rock apart from Foxy's slight twitches.

What do I do? I thought. If I move would he attack? Maybe. I couldn't risk it. So I sat there in a crawl position still staring up at him not moving. My legs still felt so numb; they hurt a little but I made sure not to move despite the pain. The floor was cold, my hands started to feel the chill giving me slight shivers down my body. Don't move! I told myself. Foxy hadn't blinked for a while, was he... deactivated or something? No, he couldn't be. His eye was still glowing and he was slightly twitching still. How long was this gonna take? Foxy's just standing there, wouldn't he have started to attack yet? Apparently not for some reason.

"Hey you piece of junk! Over here!" That was Michael's voice! He was okay! But now he's gonna get himself even more hurt.

Foxy turned his head to look down the east hall seeing Michael at the entryway of it. Foxy then turned the rest of his body slowly to face Michael not moving his head an inch during the process. Then he gets into his running position. I had to do something before he ran! I saw the fan on the desk. I managed to stand and quickly speed walked toward the fan. Once I grabbed it and turned around, Foxy's head was facing me! He knew I was gonna do something.

"Foxy! Come at me! I'm right here!" Foxy looked back at Michael, now's my chance.

I rushed up to Foxy and...!

Fuck! Foxy grabbed my arm that was holding the fan with his hand before I could hit him with it. He tightened his grip which started hurting a lot. So much I dropped the fan. I tried to grab it with my other hand but he lifted me up slightly! I was at least 30 or more centimetres off the ground. Foxy then glares at Michael, Michael saw me and I saw him. Michael was pissed now, he ran up to the closest dining chair that was laying down. He picked it up and started running toward Foxy! Hope he doesn't hit me during this. He lifts the chair up as he ran and was about to slam Foxy with it!

But then Foxy managed to hold the chair in his defence with his hook! How did he manage to do that!? I thought his hook wasn't that strong, guess it is. He then suddenly throws it barely past Michael and it lands near the entryway of the eat hall with a loud clash and thud. One of its back legs snapped off leaving it beside the rest of the chair. Michael looks up at Foxy as shocked as I was from what we just witnessed. Then Michael looks at me, and Foxy grabs Michael by the shirt with his hook! Could this get any worse?

Yes, it could. The power went out and the west side office door flew open fast. Everything became dark with only Foxy's eye as a small light, I couldn't even see Michael when I tried to look at him. Then, I looked down to where the east hallway was meant to be and saw two blue eyes, two pinkish-purple eyes, two maroon red eyes, and two white dots. This did not look good for Michael and I.

"Y/N." Michael whispered, I tried to look at him but I couldn't see him. So I just listened to what he said.

"Yeah?" I reply in a whisper.

"What do we do...?"

If You Were In The Story - Book/Part 2 (A FNAF Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt