Chapter 15: Rabbit Lady & Glamrock Bonnie

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"We should get to the Atrium, that should be fun. You can see the rest of the building before it reopens." Glamrock Freddy explains as we leave the Superstar Daycare, he cautiously looks around before continuing his walk. "Since the place is closed, maybe we'll find another exit. Otherwise, you'll have to wait until 6AM."

I check the time, it was 1:30 in the morning. No wonder I felt a little fatigued, we head inside the elevator. The elevator was very clean compared to other public ones, and it look adorable as well with all the posters and pretty walls. Then as Glamrock Freddy and I start to move in the elevator, I could hear a voice talking about the atrium inside. It sounded like Glamrock Freddy's.

"Hey Superstars! It's me, Freddy! Welcome to the Mega Pizzaplex! Grab a jumbo slice of pepperoni and top it off with an ice cold Fizzy Faz. Then enjoy our super games and attractions. Don't forget to stop by Rockstar Row and meet me in person! Have fun and have a faz-eriffic day!"

I turn to look at Glamrock Freddy, he looks back at me realising I was staring. He scratches the back of his head. He honestly looked embarrassed, was it because of the weird recording sound they gave him? I wasn't sure, but then soon enough Glamrock Freddy finally speaks. "That was not me. That was a recording... I want to make sure you are not confused..."

Aww, poor guy thought I thought he was talking to me inside the elevator. I knew it was a recording already, but that was just cute. When we made it out, a MapBot scared the shit out of me! Glamrock Freddy attempted to hold in a laugh. At least he seems happier than he was much earlier. Glamrock Freddy explains that he needs to go back to his room to do something, I was confused but let him go.

"Remember to keep watch for my friends and the security bots and Vanessa. I don't want you to get caught." Glamrock Freddy explained before leaving the Atrium through the elevator.

I watch him as the elevator closes making me no longer able to see Glamrock Freddy. I look back at the Atrium. It was huge! Wait what...? I feel dizzy all of a sudden, I witness something that appeared to be skipping or prancing like a deer past me at the Atrium heading upstairs. It looked familiar, it was that dancing rabbit lady from that costume William had in his office! How was it alive? Was somebody using it? At this point despite animatronics and things coming to life these days, I honestly wasn't surprised. But I was surprised by the fact that it wasn't an animatronic, it was a felt suit. But it wasn't the plastic mask, it was a felt one like the suit.

I followed the rabbit lady suit skipping around not armed with anything. "She"... at least I think it was a she with all those feminine looks, skipped all the way to the highest floor. She went through the doors to what appeared to be a place called Bonnie Bowling. Was this where Glamrock Bonnie used to be or perform? I knew I shouldn't be following some rabbit lady like this, but I was interested. What was she doing? Why was she going inside Bonnie Bowling? Where was she planning to go to next?

I follow her inside, such a big and amazing bowling alleys and a giant arcade on one side. The rabbit lady skipped to the other end of the bowling alley which showed a food space with a robot looking lifeless waiting for someone to order. The robot reminded me of Elizabeth, dear Elizabeth... C.C... Michael... god how I miss Michael... I shake my head trying to forget about it for a second. I already had something to do. Follow the rabbit lady, she skipped around the food area through the back. I was about to follow in when I saw a small stage, I stared at it. It looked like Foxy's Pirate Cove, but red curtained. Was this where Glamrock Bonnie sat? Maybe. I hesitated, then opened the curtain...

Nothing, nothing was there but the wooden flooring of the stage and the white brick wall with a poster of Glamrock Bonnie on it. Oh shoot! I forgot about the rabbit lady! I quickly when down back through the back doors at the food area. She was gone. I walked around looking for her, what if she sneaks up on me? I had to be cautious. I've fought stuff like this before, I can do it again.

I see a door, where does this one go to? I hoped that was where the rabbit lady was... I opened the door, then I gasped! Was that... Glamrock Bonnie? He was completely fucked up. His part were broken and ripped in many places, some of his face almost completely gone showing his endo skeleton face. Some oil was on the ground around him, he was bleeding out, I couldn't tell if he was gonna make it out alive. What do I do? I've been experienced with building and fixing animatronics before thanks to Charlie and her father Henry's advise on this sort of stuff.

Yes. I can fix him. I will fix him. For Glamrock Freddy. For his friends. For... myself? I guess.

I found spare tools and things roaming around the room usable to fix. Was Vanessa attempting to fix him? Or did she just give up? Or did she hire someone? Nah, maybe they were just there this whole time. I picked up some of the fixing things and examined what was around me. The only thing I needed was pieces for Bonnie's body that was gone. Some face part, arms and legs... eek, how was I supposed to find that stuff? Who knows? But I'm hoping to find something.

"Are you having fun yet?"

I gasp, turn around, and see the rabbit lady! Her eyes glowing red, her whiskers on the suit all bendy and weirdly placed. I look down at her paw hands, a knife... oh shit. Was this my end? Was I gonna die? Please for the love of animatronics and things I can do... please don't make me die now. The rabbit lady holds the knife up gesturing her attack! I dodge only just and go behind her. She turns swinging the knife, she swung it everywhere. The room was small so I was surprised I didn't get scratched or hurt.

Fuck. Jinxed it. I got scratched bad on just under my shoulder on my arm. I let out a small screech of pain, I started to bleed, I covered my wound, the rabbit lady resumed to swing that knife everywhere I walked. No! I can't die today! Not without apologising to William about what I said to him a while back!

... What I said to him... "WELL YOUR KIDS SURE SEEM LIKE CHILDREN STILL! OH, THAT'S RIGHT, THEY DIED TOO YOUNG BECAUSE OF YOU!"... fuck. I forgot all about that, I had been so focused on everything else I forgot to return and apologise! I had to escape the Pizzaplex NOW! Not at 6AM, now. I managed to ditch the room and held my wounded arm tight to stop as much bleeding as I could. I ran. I didn't stop, I just fucking ran.

I left Bonnie Bowling, I ran downstairs through the elevator and pressed the button so it would take me to the entry. There must be some way to leave now, there has to be! I'm sorry Glamrock Freddy... I couldn't fix Glamrock Bonnie for you, but I promise I'll do it. One day...

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