Chapter 14: The Superstar Daycare Attendants

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"FREDDY! So good to see you again! Where have you been!? We've been so lonely!"

It was one of the attendants, the one that looked like the Sundrop plushie. So, I assumed that was Sundrop. Glamrock Freddy laughs a little and sits up properly to hug who appears to be Sundrop. After their hug, the sun animatronic stood up and helped Glamrock Freddy stand.

"Heh, good to see you too, Sun." Glamrock Freddy said in a happy cheerful voice. "This is Y/N, I'm showing them around and I-"

"WHOA-!" Sundrop picked me up! How could he do that? He was very strong for an animatronic, and he was only a little shorter than Glamrock Freddy when he stood up straight. His big white eyes glared at my eyes in excitement. He was obviously really happy to see a human around. I could see Glamrock Freddy smirking probably trying not to laugh at the situation.

"HELLO NEW FRIEND! You're up very late, are we having a slumber party? That'd be SO MUCH FUN!" Sun spoke a little too fast for my liking, I felt weak just hearing it all.

"No, sorry, Sun. We're not having a slumber party, but if you want, you and I can have one another time. You and I." Glamrock Freddy explains, Sundrop wimps, but places me back down nicely.

"So your name is Y/N? I like that name very much!" Sundrop complimented trying to change the subject. "I wish you could stay for a while longer, we do get very lonely here..."

"We?" I whispered to Glamrock Freddy, but turns out Sundrop heard me speak.

"Oh yes! Moondrop and I are in the same body. When the lights turn off, Moondrop comes out to say hello, but when the lights are on I'm out to play!" Now I get why I haven't seen the other attendant yet, and no wonder they looked so similar. They're literally the same animatronic.

Glamrock Freddy looks down at me, then looks at Sundrop "We'd love to stay, Sunny, but we have to go I'm afraid-"

"NO!" Glamrock Freddy and I stare at Sundrop a little shocked at how loud he said that. "No, please! Stay! We'd love to do things with you! We could finger-paint, tell stories? Puppet shows!? Glitter glue-!?" Glamrock Freddy puts a hand on Sundrop's shoulder.

"Sunny, is something wrong? You're sounding upset again." This obviously has happened before, I saw Sundrop's fingers trembling. I was confused, but it seemed like Glamrock Freddy knew what to do. "Why are you so anxious my friend? I thought your anxiety was going away and improving well."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Freddy..." Sundrop sits down on one of the many gigantic soft building blocks. Glamrock Freddy kneels down opposite him, I watch from afar. "Did you hear about Bonnie...?"

Glamrock Freddy's ears droop down. "Yes, I did. Chica told me everything she witnessed. Then me and Y/N saw him getting dragged away by Officer Vanessa..."

"Do you know where she was taking him? Maybe we could help get him back!"

"We can't, Sun. He's done for, he isn't fixable. I know it's hard for you, it's hard for me as well..."

"Of course it's hard for you! He was your best friend, you were BFF's! And I'm your other bestie, but I know you cared for him more than me obviously. I mean, you two did everything together!"

"Everything together? Can you tell me more, Sun?" I join in the conversation, Sundrop nods feeling a little more happier now. Glamrock Freddy stares at Sundrop probably not wanting him to say anything else. But Sundrop just giggles and starts telling me more.

"Oh Y/N you don't know the HALF OF IT! Freddy and Bonnie were inseparable, literally! They would hardly EVER leave each other's side! It was rare to not see them together during the day, the only time they weren't together was late at night when we had to rest up for the next day."

"Okay, Sun, you really don't need to-" But Glamrock Freddy was cut off by Sundrop continuing. I sat opposite Sundrop beside Glamrock Freddy to hear more.

"Freddy would practice singing, and Bonnie would practice bass. They were so good at music together! The children and even the adults ADORED them singing and playing together! And when they weren't preforming or practicing, they would chat ALL DAY about everything! Sometimes they had laughing fits for no reason!" Glamrock Freddy started getting red in the cheeks, he giggled and rolled his eyes. He was embarrassed but he listened anyway just for the sake of memories I guessed. "When they visited me and Moon at the Daycare, they'd help clean up some of the mess sometimes, and play around with us as well like a cool group of four! We'd play with cards, create things, and play hide and seek. But the one thing I thought was the best thing about their relationship, was that Bonnie would always call Freddy 'superstar' whenever Freddy did something really cool or finished something or helped Freddy feel better at the darkest of times-!"

"OKAY!" Glamrock Freddy immediately stood up, he didn't look happy or embarrassed anymore. He looked, a little sad. "Sun, thank you... but I think that's enough story-telling now." He holds out a hand to help me stand. After I stand we both head to the Daycare's doors.

"Too bad you couldn't see Moon, Y/N! But that's okay, you can next time you come around! Hope to see you soon, Y/N! Bye Freddy!" Sundrop waves goodbye as we leave the Daycare.

Once we were outside the garage doors that lead into the Superstar Daycare, Glamrock Freddy sighed. I look up at him, he quickly wiped his face. Oh no, he wasn't crying again was he? I hoped not. Glamrock Freddy looks down at me realising I was staring and clears his throat. I squeeze his hand, he looks back at me again, then gives a small smile. I smile back, I couldn't even tell if I was helping him feel better.

"So, Bonnie used to call you 'superstar' huh?" I say to Glamrock Freddy.

Glamrock Freddy's smile goes a little wider. "Heh, yeah. He meant the world to me, and I meant the world to him."

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