Chapter Six

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Ben's Castle

Ben: ( on the phone ) Hey, Jane. I'm on my way to the party. My meetings ran long.

Jane: no no stay where you are Ben, Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call mom and tell her to get her wand. ( hangs up )

Ben: Is Mal with you? Jane? Jane?

Isle of the Lost

V.K.: ( Rides in through an alley, parks and gets off their bikes )

Mal: Hey. I'm me again.

Celia: Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point.

Ira: Alright Sassy Pants

Evie: Oof, welcome back.

Mal: Thank you. ( Laughs )

Celia: ( walks to the door and bangs it on a beat, a stomp plays back and she finish the beat, door opens. )

Dr.Facilier: Hey!

Celia: Daddy!

Dr.Facilier: Here she is. ( picks up Celia and puts her down ) come on ( starts dancing, ends dance with Facilier pointing to his cheek but Celia tips his hat ) Hey, Ya come here little rascal. Ah! So, what kind of hustle you got going on with them? Shiny people?

Celia: No hustle. I got friends on the other side.

Dr.Facilier: Ah! I hear you. I hear you.

Celia: We're on a mission. I'm kind of a major player so that's why I cant stay long.

Dr.Facilier: You make sure you get your cut.

Carlos: ( Enters a coin to the t.v. )

Reporter: Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon.

Carlo's: Uh. Guys. Come look at this.

V.K.'s: ( walks over )

Reporter: There are rumors that Sleeping Beauty daughter Audrey,is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have an update. It's what? It's moving this way? It is moving this way.

V.K.: ( walks out of the Lair )

Carlos: Wow! Rookie mistake?

Harry: Long time nay see.

Ira: Great!

Jay: Get off my bike, Hook.

Harry: Catch me if you can, Jay.

Jay: Over the roof's, cut them off.

Carlos: Yup

V.K.: ( runs after Hook and his crew )

Mal: Hey-ey-ey not you. They got this. You and me gotta go find the ember.

Celia: Good timing. It's right about his nap time.

Hook: ( rides through an alley )

Jay: ( stops as he stares in anger )

Hade's Lair

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