life or death - natasha romanoff

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(I got inspired by another oneshot book but I cannot find it)

Your life was a pretty normal and simple life, even after joining the Avengers your life was still simple.

Saving the world here and saving the world there, but you never thought you'd get there.

You never thought you'd be life or death.

Standing in a glass box almost 20,000 feet in the air above water, you had a gun pointed to the bottom and your teammates held against their will.

Natasha, your closest friend, was stuck in a situation because of you. Because of your mistake on watching her 6, in your defense you had to fight off a million other soldiers before you got to her. But when you did, it was already to late. Captured, knocked out, and dragged into this death box, you eyed Pierce.

"It's not hard really. Pull the trigger, save your friends and the world, or don't pull the trigger, kill your friends and the world. Along with you. It's a 50/50 here." Pierce uttered.

You gripped the gun tighter putting your finger on the trigger. You were H.Y.D.R.A number one problem and they were yours, you've been at war with them ever since you found out H.Y.D.R.A killed your family, your parents who were S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

"Y/N... Please," Natasha whimpered, "I'm begging you. Don't."

"It's me or the world, it's a pretty obvious choice." You said with a sad laugh as tears formed.

"No, we can fix it! We can save the world but we can't do it without you." The redhead pleaded.

You gave a sad smile as you tilted your head to the side a bit and took in a deep breath.

"Saving the world is our job, it's our mission." You spoke, "If I fail, then I fail the world. I want you to live, I want you to be happy."

"With you I am! Please!" Natasha yelled trying to get out the guys grip, but it was no use. "Without you, I'm incomplete."

And with that, you pulled the trigger. Falling 20,000 feet and into water. You were immediately killed as soon as you made impact, the world went black.

Pierce smiled and knew he was going to die, but he keeps his promises. They all broke out from the agents grip and teared the place apart. Making it out alive, Natasha looked over over the water not seeing your body and dropping to her knees.

"I-I love you..." Natasha whispered as a tear fell from her eye, signaling more as they came, "I truly love you."

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя