are you cold? - natasha romanoff

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As you carried your empty water bottles to the kitchen so you can throw them away, you saw Natasha sitting on the couch. Her hands around her favourite mug with hot streaming tea. A white plaid was wrapped around her shoulders.

"Hey... Are you cold?" You asked, sounding surprised.

"What?" Natasha followed you with her eyes. "No, I'm russian. You know I never get cold."

"Right. If you say so," You chuckled, throwing the bottles in the trash and opening the fridge to get a new one. Leaning back against the counter, you folded your arms over your chest and smiled, raising a brow.

"Oh my god! Okay, yes, I'm cold, you win." Natasha admitted, rolling her eyes.

"I could try to help you warm up if you want." You said with a smile. Natasha stared at you with wide eyes. "Wait, no! I didn't mean it in a sexual way, I meant that we could cuddle."

"Oh... Yeah, yeah sure. I'd love to." She cleared her throat.

"Think about it, you know where to find me." You said, walking back to your room, feeling Natasha's eyes on your back.

Later that night, there was a soft knock on your door. Your little 'yes' was heard and Natasha walked inside your room.

"Hey," She had abandoned the plaid she had earlier wrapped around her. "About what you said earlier."

You looked at her, already snuggled in bed. "About cuddles?" You smiled, sitting up in your bed.

"Yeah, if you haven't changed your mind," You patted the empty space beside you, encouraging her to come to you. "So how are we...?"

"Come here." You pulled back the covers for her. Natasha got in bed, tugging the blanket over her body. You took her ice-cold hands and brought them up to you mouth, blowing hot breath on them, your lips barely grazing her knuckles. Maintaining eye contact, she let out a shuddering breath. "How do you want to cuddle?" You asked to know what she was comfortable with.

"Can I be the big spoon?" She asked shyly.

"Yeah, of course," She turned to face you. You turned your back to her. Natasha slowly wrapped her arms around you, pressing you against her front. "Is this okay?" You whispered, wrapping your hands around hers, and you felt her grip tighten.

"Yes." She said, intertwining her fingers with yours.

"Thank you, Y/N." She whispered against the back of your neck.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now