cigarette - natasha romanoff

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(got inspired by a story from another book that i read like 4 months ago i can't remember the title)

You try your best to calm your breathing as Natasha merges from between your thighs.

The way she sucks her fingers clean from your juices. The way she moans around them as she taps your legs close.

"How was that baby? Did you like it?"

"Fuck yeah. The nerves you have asking me that when you know how good that fucking was." You laugh, your voice shaky from your screams and moans.

You're sore, one of the reminders that Natasha gave you the best orgasms. Positive you would have sore muscles and the urge to cuddle her in the morning.

Natasha smiles at you, giving you a quick kiss and lays next to you. Her red hair is messy from your fingers gripping and running through them.

You watch with heavy eyes as she reaches over towards her nightstand. Her core is flexed, showing off her soft abs. She's now holding a box of cigarettes.

"Shit" She groans, the cigarette bounces between her swollen lips as she continues to curse.

You smile to yourself "You need a lighter?"


You reach for the nightstand next to you and grab the lighter that was inside. Lighting a match, you carefully bring the fire to the end of the cigarette.

Natasha smiles at you, blows out her smoke towards the ceiling and give you a kiss.

"They're bad for you.. you know." You say, flipping onto your stomach and rest your head on your arms.

"Yeah, I know baby." She sigh softly, tapping the cigarette onto the small ash tray on her nightstand.

"Want me to stop?"

"No! I mean, only if you want to. I like watching you." You say easily not wanting to touch the subject.

"Yeah? You like watching me smoke?" She asks with a small smirk.

"Mmh.. yeah!" You said sheepishly, raising yourself so you're resting your chin on your palms as your elbows dig into the mattress. The position give Natasha a peck of your naked breast and her attention is on them for a few seconds.

"I just find it so intimidating but also so attractive." You said when she brings the cigarette to the top of her lips.

"Want to try?" She asks casually, no pressure or harsh tone.

"I don't know how." You said shyly as you move to sit up on your knees and leaning your bum on your heels. The cover fell off, leaving you naked.

She passes you the cigarette "Bring it to your lips, mmh.. yeah like that. Suck and release." she explains softly.

The warm smoke tickled your lungs as the heavy scent filled your nose, now in a coughing fit.

"You're okay?" She asks with a chuckle.

"Yeah, but it's better if I just watch-" You cough once more.

"I love you," Natasha admitted, her voice passionate.

"I love you, too," you said, followed by a soft grunt as you tried to find a better position to lay in.

Natasha Romanoff x Female ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now