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Hey guys! So this is my first bromance, boyxboy, whatever you wanna call it story. I hope you enjoy it! So vote, comment, enjoy!

Austin Carlile ----->


Austin's POV

"What are you doing up?"

"Me? What about you?" A light flicked on, my eyes meeting Alan's.

"Couldn't sleep." He shrugged.

"Yeah, me either." I watched him open the fridge, grabbing a can of Monster.

"Ashby, Monster? This early? It's like three in the morning." I kicked into my older brother-like mode.

"Relax, mom. It's just water." He said, handing me the can.

"You can have some if you want. I don't have cooties." He said, sitting on the couch.

"Being a ginger isn't contagious?" I smirked, taking a swig from the can.

"Ha ha, very funny." He hit my shoulder as I sat next to him.

"Ouch?" I said, looking at him.

"That couldn't have really hurt. Don't be a baby."

"It did." I pouted.

Alan sighed. He leaned over and kissed my shoulder, sending a tingle up my spine and making me shiver. What the hell...?

"Movie?" I asked, trying to ignore what just happened. He nodded briskly.

"I'm not watching 500 Days Of Summer though." I said.

"Why not?" He whined.

"I've seen it more times than you!"

"No you haven't."

"Okay, I overexaggerated. But you get the point. I'm not watching it."

"But, but..." He jutted out his bottom lip.

"Alan, no." I crossed my arms, facing away from him.

"Austin!" He continued to whine "For me?"


He climbed into my lap, wrapping his arms around my shoulders. I will not give in, I will not give in.

"Pick something else."

"We'll never have to watch it ever again. I promise." He pleaded, tracing an 'x' over where his heart is.

I sighed. He really wanted to watch this stupid movie. "Fine."

"Victory!" He whisper-yelled. His threw his arms up in the air, being an asshole. He got off my lap, going to put the movie in. My lap felt empty after he got up, like something was missing.

I shook the thought, Alan sitting next to me happily with the remote in his hand.

"Ready?" He smiled at me. I nodded, getting comfortable. He leaned into my side, resting his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"I needed a pillow." He answered like it was nothing.

"Here." I grabbed a pillow beside me, handing it to him.

"I'm pretty comfy already." He said. My arm was starting to fall asleep under his weight.

"Well than can I at least have my arm back?" I asked. He nodded, sitting up. I took my arm out from under him and he went back to leaning on me.

He started the movie as I tried to find something to do with my hand. I eventually rested it on his waist. I could feel his eyes on me as I placed my arm on him.

"What? I had no where else to put it!"

"Okay..." He smiled, looking back at the movie. What the hell is the big deal? He's the one using me as a pillow.

We watched the movie in silence, other than Alan quoting almost every line.

The credits began to roll what seemed like years later. I glanced down at Alan, expecting to see his face smiling. He always smiled at the end of this movie.

Instead, he was asleep. His mouth ajar, quiet snores escaping. I didn't want to move him, it was the first he's slept all night. But he was still cuddling into my side.

I sighed, deciding to leave him be. I pushed some of his orange hair from his face as a yawn crept up in me. I covered my mouth, looking down to make sure I didn't wake Alan. I didn't.

Exhaustion suddenly took over my body. I rested my head on top of Alan's, with a lack of other place. Surprisingly it was comfortable. And in a weird way it felt... Right.


Alan's POV

"Should we leave them...?"

"They need to get up eventually."

"Yeah, but they look, cute."

I felt a smile start to form in my lips. I was awake, with no chance if sleeping again.

"Phil! Leave them alone!" Someone shouted. It sounded like Aaron.

"Fine. One sec." Phil then fell silent. The bus door opened and closed, footsteps being heard. I was about to open my eyes when I heard a snicker.

"Blackmail. Sweet, sweet blackmail." Phil laughed, followed by footsteps and the bus door opening and closing again. My eyes flashed open. That asshole.

I stayed still, realizing there was a weight on top of my head. I glanced up, Austin resting on me. We should get up.

"Austin, wake up." I whispered with no response, "Austin."

"Seriously, Austin. Wake up." I shook his shoulder a little, a smirk appearing on his lips.

"Okay then." I started, "Two can play at this game." I jumped on top of him in one swift motion. I threw my fingers at his sides and started tickling him. He instantly started laughing, thrashing his body to loosen my grip.

"Alan! Stop!" he yelled, gasping for air. I shook my head.

"Enough!" he cried. I was having to much fun watching him struggle to stop. Before I knew what was happening, I was straddled between his legs.

"My turn." He laughed evilly. I crossed my arms and pouted under him.

"Oh my god. Not this again." Austin sighed.

"Fine. But you owe me, Ashby." He leaned forward. A few inches away from my face. My heartbeat started racing, I could feel my face flushing.

"W-what do I o-owe you?" I squeaked out.

"I dunno." His voice lowered, winking at me. What the hell was going on?

His eyes caught mine, staring into them. He was still inches from my face, and he started leaning. Closer, closer, closer...

"What the hell is going on?" We both looked up seeing a very confused Phil standing in front if us.

Austin scrambled to his feet, fixing his shirt like he does when he's uncomfortable in a situation. I stood up too, running a hand aimlessly through my hair.

"N-nothing." Austin answered.

"Okay then. Well I'm just gonna... Uh, go." Phil said, backing off the bus.

"Uh, so I'll uh- see you before we play I guess." Austin stuttered, not looking at me.

"Yeah, I guess so." I responded. Austin left before I could say anything else.

"Okay then..." I ran my hand through my hair again, getting off the bus. I need fresh air and music. Desperately.

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