Chapter Thirty-Five

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Katniss's POV

(I can't think of a song for this chapter. Basically anything about shock, pain, and vengeance.)

I take in a sharp breathe.

"NO!" I scream. "You're supposed to be dead!!"

The other Gladers seem to be shocked by the sudden outburst.

"I think she got who you are." The woman says in a calm voice. "But now who am I?"

I still can't get over the fact that Snow is alive. He's alive! That stupid man who made my life pure torture is alive!! I try to think of all the women who hated me that I used to live with.

"Choose wisely Ms. Everdeen." She says.

Then it hits me. Coin. Coin and Snow are alive. And they are both standing in front of me with guns aimed at my head. Anger rushes through my body.

"You... You.. killed... my... sister." I say.

"Ahh, now she's got it!!" She says as if she is happy.

Thomas looks over at me with a concerned look on his face. He mouths the words 'Who are they?' to me. I ignore him.

"Now Katniss." Snow says as he takes his helmet off. Coin begins to do the same. Seeing their faces again makes me want to... to... ugh words can't even describe. "You'll have the choice to choose between which one of us that you want to kill. Either one of us. We'll hand you a gun and you can shoot one of us, or if you'd like you could beat one of us to death, but you can only kill one. AND.... You have to choose one of your glader friends here that the remaining one of us two are allowed to kill.You have thirty seconds to decide who you are going to kill,how you are going to do it, and who me or Coin here is gonna kill. Your thirty seconds starts... now."

I am completely taken by shock from the words that have just left his mouth. But whom should I choose? Who am I going to kill and who are they going to kill? Am I even going to kill anyone here? these questions all run through my mind at the same time giving me a head ache.

"Times up." Snow says. "Now who is going to get the joy of shooting one of your friends, hmm?"

I look at all of the boys behind me. I look to Minho, then Newt, to Peeta, and then to Thomas. I glance at the others glader's expressions as well. Who am I going to choose?

"Neither one of you will get to kill anyone." I say.

"Are you sure?" Coin asks, an evil grin across her face.

"I'm sure." I said.

"Remember Katniss, the ones we love most... Are the ones that destroy us."

I think of what he means. I'm not sure what he's trying to do. This is all like some kind of crazy test.

"You... can kill me after I kill Coin." I say.

Coin has a huge grin on her face even though I just told her I was going to kill her.

"No way." Thomas says. "Choose someone else. Choose me, I'll do it."

"No, let me do it." Minho steps up.

"I don't think so." Peeta says. "Whoever these people are they are clearly frustrated at me and Katniss, let it be me."

A huge arguement between the boys.

"Guys!!" I yell. "GUYS!" I scream louder. This time they all stop. "It's going to be ME, understand? As long as I can kill Coin before I die I'll will have served my purpose."

No one objects this time. I walk over to Coin and take her gun. She faces away as I aim the gun at her head and Snow aims the gun at mine. I brace myself for pain and the force of the gun. My finger hovers over the trigger. I slightly pull the trigger.... A little more by the second.... And then there is a loud BANG as two guns go off.

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