Chapter Eleven

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Thomas's POV

(Songs for this chapter:
Monster: by Rhianna & Eminem)

When Katniss hears what ever it is the blonde boy had to say she turned as pale as I've ever seen anybody. She looks at the boy and then to me. She holds my gaze for a moment and starts breathing heavily. She gets up and runs out of the room. What is going on in her head? I get up and run after her. The blonde boy starts to follow me but I stop him.

"You go with Newt for now, ok buddy." I calmly tell him.

"No, no, I have to see her." He says desperately.

"No... you'll be ok here with Newt."

He seems to be getting frustrated. I wave over Newt so things won't get to heated.

"Come on buddy." Newt starts to lead him away.

The blonde boy rears around and punches Newt in the jaw. Newt falls to the ground. Alby and Minho come over and each grab an arm. The boy struggles but doesn't come loose from their grip.

I walk over to Alby. And whisper in his ear:

"Take him to the prison. I'll talk to the chick and then I'll talk to him and see if anything that they say helps us bust out of here. Or at least help us figure out why they seem like they have been through or did something terrible. Maybe even if we are lucky, it'll jack up our memory in our shuck brains"

He nods and leads the boy out of the door.

I follow them not paying attention all of the eyes that are trained on me.

I search the whole Glade up and down for Katniss and I finally find her in the far corner of the woods. I slowly approach her, trying not to make a sound. I accidentally step on a twig which seems to echo through the quite atmosphere.

"Please don't hurt me!!" She screams.

"Listen, I'm not going to hurt you. Nobody in the Glade is going to hurt you. We just need to ask you some questions."

She looks me directly in the eye.

She hesitates.

"Ok." She responds finally.

"So I'm going to give you a piece of paper and you wright down all of the names, places, just about anything you can remember. Even from in the Glade. Then I want you to wright down what that boy told you. Ok?" I explain.

I hand her a piece of paper and a pencil. She uses the wall as a prop and wrights down quite a few things. I sit down and watch as she does so. When she hands the piece of paper back it says:

Katniss Everdeen


Peeta Mellark

Gale Hawthorne

President Snow


Effie Trinket






Hunger Games


The boy said: "Do you remember the Hunger Games?"

The bottom three things she listed were the ones that scared me the most. I don't know why but they were so familiar. I was so close to breaking the wall between me and my memories. It was giving me a splitting headache.

"Well... I'm going to go show this to Alby. You can stay here or you can come with me." I offer.

"I'll stay here." She whispers distantly. "Something about the woods is comforting to me."

"Ok well if you need anything you can come to the Homestead."

I turn around and walk away from the girl. I lied when I says she isn't familiar. I feel like I've seen her. I know I've seen her before. It's to frustrating to try to remember, for now I'll focus on getting this to Alby.

When I walk back to the prison Alby and Minho stand outside the door.

"We need to have a gathering." I tell Minho.

Once everybody gathers in the Homestead Alby starts the gathering.

"So what did you find out so far?" Alby asks.

I lay the list of things Katniss wrote in center of the room where everybody can see what she wrote. The room falls silent as everyone reads the words in Katniss's scrolled handwriting.

"She had to have seen one of the beetle blades." Minho says when he is finished.
"How else would she know what WICKED is? And who told her my name?"

"I thought about that. Even if she did see a beetle blade there is no shank in this whole place named Effie Trinket. But I've been with her all day and nobody told her your or Alby's name." I explain.

"Here is what the blonde kid wrote, apparently his name is Peeta." Winston says as he lays a similar piece of paper next to Katniss's. I read through the list of things the boy, Peeta, said he remembered.

Peeta Mellark

Katniss Everdeen

Gale Hawthorne





Hunger Games

Haymitch Abernathy


Hunger Games? WICKED? Teresa? Why was all of this so familiar?

When everybody finished reading the list they burst into an arguemeant. 

"SHUT UP!!" Minho shouts over the crowd. "I have the other shank's list." He says waving a piece of paper in the air. He lays it on the ground beside the other three lists.

Gale Hawthorne

Katniss Everdeen

Peeta Mellark

Primrose Everdeen

Hunger Games




Kill Zone

"I think it's his fault." Gally says pointing to me. Everyone's eyes turn toward me. "Why else would each of these shanks and the chick write his name down? And who the heck is Teresa? Either way we know who Thomas  is and know that ever since he's been here everything has gone crazy."

"Oh my gosh, Gally!!" Newt says rolling his eyes. "Just drop it. Now Thomas, do any of these things seem familiar?"

I look at the three pieces of paper.

"Well..." I start.

"Well?" Winston asks.

"Peeta sounds familiar. Katniss does to. So does Teresa...but I don't know who Gale or any of those other people are." I say.

"Anything else?" Gally asks sarcastically.

"Um..." My throat feels dry. "The Hunger Games, and the name WICKED. It's been killing me. Ever since I first saw the girl's list."

"This is so confusing." Alby says summing up everyone's feelings.

"Well let's get some sleep for tonight." Newt said.

Everybody mumbled in agreement.

Newt let's Katniss sleep in the Homestead. I lay next to Chuck in the center of the Glade. I look up at the stars lost in thought. Eventually I let myself be pulled into a deep slumber.

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