Chapter Twenty-Four

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Thomas's POV

(Songs for this chapter:
Burn: by Ellie Goulding
Let Her Go: by Passenger
Safe and Sound: ...I'm not really sure who this song is by!! But it isn't Taylor Swift's!!)

The next thing Katniss does is something only an idiot would do. She runs straight into the map room. I guess I'm an idiot to because I'm right there behind her. I hear Newt yelling stuff at us but it is muffled from the adrilan and the roar of the flames.

"Where is he?!?!!" I scream to Katniss.

"There!!" She points to a body laying in the corner.

We both run over to his limp body. I grab his hands and Katniss grabs his feet.


I grunt with effort as I lift the older boy's body. Katniss leads as she dodges the flames... backwards. We near the door when I notice a loose board hanging from the ceiling, on the verge of falling. The wood let's out a loud crack.

"WATCH OUT!!" I scream.

I throw Alby's hands towards Katniss. The front of his body flys towards Katniss. Her eyes grow wide with shock. Alby's body tackles Katniss to the ground just as the board falls.

Great. There safe and out of here. Now for me...

The board blocked the only exit, and the flames are getting intense.

I look frantically around the room. I find a sharp piece of wood laying on the ground. I run over and grab the piece of wood. I rear back and desperately swing the piece of wood at the mud wall. To my surprise it makes a slight dent in the structure. It is so hot. I rear back and swing the wood. I do this again, and again, and again, and again. I rear back one last time and hit the wall once again. This time I here a loud crack and a small amount of sunlight appears in a small hole I've managed to create. This fills me with hope and I rear back yet again. I beat the wall with all of my strength. The hole becomes bigger. I continue to use the piece of wood as a weapon against the wall. The flames are getting larger. One catches my arm. I scream in pain. I hit the wall again, harder than I ever had before. The flames spread against my back. I let out another scream. I rear back one more time and hit the wall as hard as I can. I hear a loud snap. I look... the hole hasn't improved at all. The stick broke.

I claw at the wall and scream again. Tears stream down my face. I can't die like this. I can't. The hole barely improves. I'm to weak. The smoke is to much for me to resist. A dark hole of sleep slowly pulls me into itself. I try hard to fight the feeling. I'm scared if I give in to it and fall asleep, I'll never wake up. I continue to claw at the wall. I gasp for air. Smoke fills my lungs. To... much...

And I give in to the feeling of sleep.

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