Chapter Seven

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Katniss's POV
(Song for this chapter:
Hanging Tree: by Jennifer Lawrence)

It's been a few days since Gale dropped me off in this prison of a room. I lost track of time. They only open my door every once in a while to deliver a plate of food consisting bland vegetables and tough meat of some sort. I was left with only my thoughts, which is a dangerous thing. I would wake up screaming and when Peeta wasn't there I could only think the worst. Finally, as if it were no big deal, the door opened. I stare at the exit.

I've gone crazy.

There is no way that door just opened. I slowly approach the door as if it were going to shut at any moment. I wave my hand around in the door way to see if this is some sort of joke. My hand hits nothing.

I am free. I am free!!!!

"Katniss!!" I hear a familiar voice call. It's Peeta.

Peeta runs through the door and wraps me in his arms, lifting me off the ground. I've never been so happy to see anybody in my entire life.

"Where is Gale?" I ask Peeta when he sets me down.

"Right here." Gale says leaning on the door frame.

I run up to Gale and hug him to. Being in a room with nothing to do and nobody to talk to for so long makes you happy to see anybody. Even your old friend who betrayed you.

"What did they do to you guys?!?!" I ask worried.

"Literally nothing. I sat in a white room like this for that whole time. With no windows it was hard to tell when it was day and when it was night." Gale explains.

"Same here." Peeta replied.

It was some what awkward being in the same room with the two people who want you to be in love with them and not the other one.

"So... what do we do now?" Gale asks clearly uncomfortable with this situation.

"You'll do as we tell you to."

We all turn around to see a man dressed in a white suit. His hair was equally white and his skin was also pale. He had a rat like appearance about him. For some reason he reminded me of President Snow, which made me stiffen.

"As Gale has explained, we will be putting you through a series of tests to find a cure for the disease called the Flare. We are not going to hurt you, unless you give us a hard time. So I suggest you come along peacefully and every thing will run smoothly."

Three guards file in wearing gas masks and ugly green colored suits that read "WICKED". They are intimidating themselves, but they are nothing compared to the weird contraptions each of them carried. Each of the weapons had a long barrel loaded with grenade looking things. Through the barrel electricity spiraled around and around making the 'grenades' look even more dangerous.

"If you cause trouble then you will have to deal with one of these." A masked woman says pointing to the barrel of one of the guns. "And I promise, it will be one of worst five minutes of your life."

Considering all I've been through, that is saying a lot. But I didn't want to take my chances with these people.

"Ok." I say plainly. I walk towards one of the masked guards.

"This way Ms. Everdeen."

The guard leads me through a maze of hallways. After about ten minutes of walking we wound up in a large room. In the room are three large glass cases filled with a blue liquid of some sort. I back up a little bit but the guard points the gun to my head.

"Climb in, or we'll have to do this the hard way."

I slowly walk towards the glass cases. I need a plan, and fast. I come up with nothing and for the first time since the Hunger Games, I obey these... people, and climb in the glass box. The liquid is thick and cold as it slowly surrounds my body. I am barely able to keep my face above the liquid. All of a sudden the guard slams the top to the glass case.

My head dunks under the blue substance. I start screaming and banging the walls. I flail my arms and legs but the box is made of very thick glass, and doesn't even shake. I continue to scream.

I can't... breath. I gasp for air but instead this.... stuff fills my lungs. The room begins to spin. Everything goes black.

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