Chapter Fourteen

157 6 4

Thomas's POV

(Songs for this chapter:
Perfect: by Pink
Let her go: by Passenger)

I wake up to the morning light coming through the window. I feel comfortable on the matt-

Why am I in the Homestead?

The memories from last night come flooding back.

Where is Katniss?

I search the bed and the rest of the room. She's not there. I run down the stairs and see her close to the doorway, Gally keeping her from leaving. I walk over and try to help her out.

"Well I see you've met my friend Katniss." I say putting my arm around her. "Now if you'll excuse us." I say pushing past Gally.

Gally jerks Katniss's arm and whispers something in her ear I can't quite make out. She shivers and continues to walk with me.

"That was to close." I say trying to lighten the mood.

"Your telling me." She says rolling her eyes.

"You wanna see the runners?" I ask trying to change the subject.

"Sure." She says and I lead her towards the west door.

Before we make it half way Katniss suddenly stops. She turns pale and starts to take deep breaths. Her expression turns from relaxed to agitated.

"What's wrong?" I try to ask her but she kneels to the ground clutching her head with one hand and her stomach with the other.

I squat down beside her holding her wrist do she doesn't fall over.

"Minho!! Alby!! Newt!!" I scream trying to get someone's help.

Katniss mumbles something about the ones we love...

"What happened to her?" Newt says running over with Newt and Minho.

"I... I don't know." I reply simply.

"I think it has something to do with Thomas and her doing a little more than sleeping together last night." Minho says bitterly.

I glare at him.

"Get the med-jacks!!" Newt calls.

"It's going to be ok." I reassure her. "It'll be ok."

Almost as soon as I say that she falls over unconscious.

"This is crazy." Minho says picking her up off he ground and throwing her limp body over his shoulder.

For once I understand Minho's reasoning. By time the med-jacks get her she'll be dead, and this way works just as good, but it's faster.

"What did you do to her?!?!" Peeta and the other boy, I learned name is Gale, come running up over to where we are.

"Listen, we didn't do anything she just-" I try to explain.

"Well apparently you did something to her because five minutes ago she was fine!!" Peeta yells.

"And why won't you let us see her? Apparently she knew us longer than you, didn't you see the list of stuff she remembered?!" Gale says not helping the situation.

"We are trying to get her help!!" I yell angrily.

"Ya, throwing her into a crappy shack and tucking her in for the night is really gonna help!!" Peeta yells once again.

"You guys are trying to hurt her a-"

I finally come unhinged and slam Peeta to the ground. I pin him down to where he can't escape and lean in close making sure he's the only one who can here me.

"Well she may have knew you before me, but every time I mention your names, or she gets close to you she freaks out." I say through gritted teeth. "You are part of what made her old life bad enough that when she has memories about it it keeps her screaming through out the night. We are going to try to help her. Now just leave us alone, and we'll fix this ok?"

He nods his head frightened. I stand up and brush the dust off my pant legs.

I turn around and head towards the Homestead, where they carried Katniss. It's not even 12:00 p.m. and  today has already been crappy.

I walk into the room where I first got a glimpse and Ben's deformed body. They have Katniss laid on the bed where he laid. I shiver at the thought.

Katniss's body shakes as if she were cold, although beads of sweat form on her forehead. Her expression is pained and she gasps for air as if she were a fish out of water.

"What is wrong with her?" I ask casually even though inside every ounce of my body is screaming with panic.

"I'm not exactly sure." One of the med-jacks says. "But it looks like she is going throught the changing. She didn't get stung by a Griever, did she?"

I shake my head in response.

"It's weird." he continues. "What all, did she do today?"

"This morning I came to get her out of bed." Minho says.

"Then she went to the restroom and ate breakfast." Newt chimes in.

It is my turn to share what I did with her this morning.

"Then when I came down the stares she was with......" I trail off remembering what happened this morning.

"Gally was telling her something and I came and got her out of whatever it was he was saying. On the way out he grabbed her arm and whispered something in her ear."

Everyone stays silent for a few minutes.

"I think I know what happen." The med-jack states. "Somehow, when Gally grabbed her arm, he injected her with whatever the Grievers poison."

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