Chapter Eight

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Gale's POV

(Songs for this chapter
Monster: by Rhianna & Eminem)

They take Katniss into a room that we can't see from the waiting room they put us in.
I sit next to Peeta, guns or launchers or whatever are pointed at each of our heads. I can't believe that I built not only the bombs that killed Prim, but I built the launchers they are threatening me with now.

A muffled scream pierces the silent air interrupting my train of thought.

I look over at Peeta and he's obviously thinking the same thing I am.


I stand up but the guard pushes me back down into my seat.

"No sir." The woman teases me. "You are the one who agreed to do this to her."

"You promised her safety!!!!!" I yell at her.

She lets out a sarcastic laugh. "What sort of lying idiot told you that?"

The door opens up and they carry Katniss's limp body on a stretcher. She twitches a little as if she were in pain.

"No!" I dive for her.

The guard hits me in he head with the butt of her gun. A sharp pain shoots through my skull. Peeta used this moment of shock from his guard as an advantage. He tackled his guard to the ground and continually punched him in the face.

"Peeta, no!!"

The guard flipped him over and pinned him to the ground. He quickly stood up and took his launcher and aimed it at Peeta. He pulled the trigger and the grenade-like bullet hit Peeta in the chest. Blue streaks of electricity spread across his body. His body shook vigorously as if he were a fish out of water.

"Put him in the memory wiper." The female guard told the other.

The guard dragged Peeta's body into the room they just took Katniss from.

"Now do you want to do this the easy way or do want to wound up like you're little friend because I'm really losing my patients with you." The guard threatens.

I get up and put my arms in the air showing that I surrender.

"Good. Now go into the box on the far side of the lab."

I slowly enter the so called 'lab'. I slowly stick one leg in the substance. A chill runs down my spine. It's so cold! Before I continue to climb in I turn around and face the guard.

"And by the way, Peeta is not my friend." I tell her.

I face the box once again and finish climbing in. My face barely hovers above the blue substance.

Maybe loosing my memory won't be so bad. It'll do a lot of good for Katniss and Peeta since they have been through so much. At least that is what the guard said this stuff was. The guard looked down at me.

"I'm sorry." She said with pain in her eyes. "This is for the good of humanity."

She closes the lid to the box and my head immediately dunks under the blue substance. I don't fight. I can't get out, there is no point.

What did I get us into?

Slowly, as I gasp for air, I am pulled into a deep, dark sleep.

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