Chapter 2

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Katniss's POV

His words hang in the air for a moment. Everyone stares at the screen in silence. I expect tears to come and for me to break down, but they don't, understand what these tests are. There's no way for me to fully process this information.

"We will retrieve the happy couple from their homes this afternoon."

The evil look on Gale's face suddenly turns to an expression of complete misery.

"Maybe now you will love me, Katniss."

Anger, confusion, and pity rushes through me. I was mad because HE left ME to work in another district. I did... I DO love him, but I also love Peeta. And what does he mean by "now I will love him?" Is the only reason he is doing this is too get back at Peeta and win me over?

"Good luck and may the odds be ever in your favor." Gale says still wearing the same look of pain.

The anthem plays and the Capitol's seal appears on the screen indicating that the message was over.

I stand up from Peeta's lap.

"Katniss." Peeta says.

I don't respond.

"Katniss," Peeta says once again as he reaches out for me.

"Don't touch me!!!" I shout. "Just... Just leave me alone!"

And that is when the tears start to come. I start to go on a rant but stop myself. I walk away instead, grabbing my bow and leather jacket. I storm off into the woods, tears still running down my cheeks. The air is thick with fog and large grey clouds hang in the sky as if the rest of the world were mourning over the news as well.

I hike out to the house by the creek where me and Gale fought about leaving the woods all those years ago.

I sit in the corner opposite from the furnace and stop trying to hold the tears back.

Hey guys!!!! I am sorry for the short chapter!!! If you would like me to update, please comment!!! Vote if you are enjoying the story so far! Also, check out my other book called "How to Know You Are Obsessed With Divergent"! Thanks again!

Maze GamesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora