Chapter Thirty

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Katniss's POV

(Songs for this Chapter:
Set Fire to the Rain: by Adele)

"No." I blurt out.

"What... did you say?" Newt asks clearly frustrated with me.

"I said no." I reply.

"You better start explaining yourself. Just because you're the only shuck girl doesn't mean you can run this place." Newt says glaring at me.

I roll my eyes and explain my thinking.

"We can't risk killing them, we need a plan. Someone who can actually fight and defend them should go with them in case something goes wrong."

"You think these guns can't defend us?" Minho says and he begins flexing his muscles.

"Not when you are fighting crazy mutant monsters, no." I say.

"Well then" Newt says. "Who has a death wish and wants to go 'protect' these bloody shanks?"

No one volunteers. I guess I have a thing for volunteering for situations where I will most likely die because I step up.

"I'll go."

The room explodes with laughter.

"What are you gonna do?" Winston says between laughs. "Flirt them to death?!" He doubles over in laughter.

"She can shoot." Thomas says, him being one of the only ones not laughing. "And probably better than you ever could."

"Well then, Miss Everdeen, congratulations. You are going to your doom. Have a nice flight." Newt says sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and stands up. "Ok so today Tomas, Minho, and Katniss will go to the cliff and check things out. If they don't come back then we'll know that that was a failed idea and to try something else. Anyone object?"

The room is silent.

"Then what are you guys doing here?! Go and check it out!" Newt yells at me,Thomas, Minho.

He three of us head towards the door. Someone grabs y wrist and pulls me back. I whip my head around to see Peeta.

"You can't do this." He whispers. "I can't loose you. You're all I have left."

I look into his eyes which are full of concern.

"I'd rather die knowing that I tried than to sit back and let the Grievers get us. And if it means saving you and the others, I'd be willing to do anything." I whisper back. "I've gotta go." I say even quieter, barely getting the words out.

He hesitates but he lets go of my arm. I look at him one more time and follow the other two to out the door.

Once we are out of the Homestead we all make a plan. Considering these guys are runners I don't know if I can keep up with them. Minho goes over to the secret trap core in the runners' supply closet and gets me a bow. We hurry and leave so we can make it back before the walls close. Oh wait, hey aren't going to. So we just have to beat the Grievers. I lead because I have the weapon. It takes about thirty minutes before we make it to the Cliff. As I can see it is pretty self explanatory. It's a.... Cliff. Minho and Thomas set up a complicated system of throwing rocks off the cliff and seeing whether or not we're able to see them fall. Minho takes one of the long vines off of the one of the walls of the maze. He throws it over the cliff holding on to one end. To our surprise the vine doesn't come swinging back, it catches. We look out and we see that the vine goes, and goes, and goes.... and then stops. In the middle of the air. Just sits there.

The three of us are silent.

"Oh my gosh." Minho says summing up how we all feel.

More silence.

"We have to tell the others." Thomas says.

We all just stand there.

"Now would be good." I say.

The other boys agree and we head back towards the Glade. It takes us about another thirty minutes and we are there.

"NEWT!!" Minho screams.

Newt comes running up towards us.

"What, what did you guys find out?!" He says.

"There is a hole, in the middle of the cliff. We have to try it out!" Thomas says exited as a little kid who just got a new bike.

"Well we'll have to wait." Newt says.

"What?! No way!! We have to get out of here!" Minho screams.

"We can't do it now. The Grievers will be here any moment. Everyone is already piled up in the Homestead." Newt says.

Disappointment washes over Thomas and Minho.

"No. We have to go. We can fight the Grievers!!" Thomas says.

"With what? Remember, no supplies." Newt says grimly.

"Well we have a few weapons in the weapons lounge, and we can make some." Minho offers.

Newt thinks long and hard about this. He squints at us.

"Ok. We'll try cause I don't think I can last another day in this bloody maze." He finally says.

We all hug him at once.

"Thank you." I whisper in his ear.

He smiles a little.

"Tell the others and start making weapons, but hurry we don't have much time." He says.

We don't even take the time to acknowledge him, we all run towards the Homestead. I inform the first floor while Thomas and Minho tell the other two. Some people reject the idea and so we leave them behind, but it was only a few. They stay cowering in the Homestead as we prepare multiple weapons. It takes maybe fifteen minutes rushed minutes. I look at our army of about fifty boys and me, the only girl. I stand next to Peeta and Thomas, just to make sure they don't get hurt. The three of us and Minho are in the front along with Newt. Our weapons are sad compared to the monstrous Grievers. They consist of shovels with sharpened points, sticks with barbed wire wrapped around one end and any other random item we could pick. I got one of the only actual weapons, a bow.

"Ok guys, any minute now those bloody Grievers will be coming, we need to get going."
Newt says.

"Shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asks.

"Go ahead." Newt says.

Minho stands on the nearest crate and clears his throat.

"Be careful. Don't die." He says and steps down.

"Great. We're all bloody inspired." Newt says. "Let's get going!" He screams.

And we all charge into the maze as we hear the first roars of the Grievers.


Hey guys!! Again thank you so much for all the support!! Please write in the comments what do you think will happen and whose going to die. I promise, not everything will be the same. AND there will be a huge difference on what happens depending on weather or not I write a second and third book. I'm almost done with this one, so please also leave what you think the title of the second book should be and weather or not I should write a second book in the comment. 😉😉😉😉😉😉😉 If I decide to go with your title then I will make a character dedicated to you in the next book!! I can't wait to see who it is! I'll give the winner all the info through PM. Thank you all!!


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