Chapter Twenty

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Thomas's POV

(Songs for this chapter:
When I Look at you: by Miley Cyrus)

When the guys come back with all of the supplies we automatically get to work. We layered the wax paper on top of the paper and traced out the walls and how they moved in each section each night. We became hopeful when we got our first letter. We lined up the letters by night, a night in a row and a section in a column. It took us all day of nonstop work, but we finally finished. Katniss, Minho, Newt, Alby, and I each step back to see what we've come up with. Here is what it said:


All hope that I had left at that instant. We stand there in silence looking at the six words. I read them over and over, trying to make sense of what that could possibly mean. We worked all day, it's bound to have something to do with busting out of this place.

"Huh?!?!" Minho says summing up how I assume we all felt. "What in the world is that supposed to mean?!?!"

Nobody answers him for a while. Finally Newt speaks up.

"I...have... no idea."

Another moment of silence.

"Do you know?" Newt asks directing it towards me.

I scoff a little bit.

"No." I say in a attitude intended tone.

"How about you Katniss?" He asks ignoring my attitude.

Katniss still hasn't taken her eyes off of the words that sit in front of her. She furrows her brow in consintration.

"I have no clue. Is there any hidden exit in the maze?" She asks.

"Not that we know of." Alby finally speaks up.

"Are you sure you looked hard enough?" She asks.

"Of course we have!" Minho yells. "We have searched that place up and down, side to side there is no way we could've missed it!"

"Well you missed this!" She snaps back.

"Well it's not helping us much now! Listen you can't come in here and act like you all of a sudden run things, you here me? I don't care if you're the last shuck girl on the planet, I- gaaaa!!!" He stomps off out of the room and goes whatever it is he does when he gets mad.

"Katniss-1, Minho- 0." Newt says.

All of them start laughing at his joke but I continue to focus on the words.

What are we missing? Ok, ok. What have I noticed in the short time I've been here that is strange?

I'm interrupted by a shrill scream. I look over to Katniss.

"That wasn't me." She said.

"Wow. That was embarrassing just knowing that it was one of the boys." Alby says.

"You think we should go see what's wrong?" Newt asks.

"That would be the right thing to do." Alby says.

We all sit there for a minute, looking at the floor.

Newt let's out a sigh. "We should go." He says.

We all agree and head for the door. We don't rush because we know that it is bound to be something terrible waiting for us outside of this door.

When we get outside I notice nothing out of the usual except a few people are looking around curiously wondering why on earth someone would have screamed.

"What's going on?" Newt asks Minho.

"Umm... I'm... not... sure." Minho says.

The person who screamed obviously saw everybody's confusion.

"Look at your watches!!" He shouts.

I look at my watch and it reads 6:31 pm. Newt's expression automatically becomes horrified. The other gladers begin moving around frantically in a panic. I still have no idea what is going on. I run over to Minho.

"What's going on?!" I ask. "Why is everyone so freaked out that it is 6:30?"

He purses his lips and to Thomas's surprise responds with out a smart comment. "Because it is 6:33... and the door ps were supposed to close over a half hour ago."

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