Chapter Four

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Katniss POV

I get up out of the bushes Peeta tackled me into and step facing my demons yet again along side Peeta. We stand there, and we wait. We surrender. Surrender to the Capitol, surrender to Gale and give into the world itself.

The hover craft comes down and lands at the center of the Hub. About 20 peacekeepers file out of the door, and then... Gale himself. A chill runs down my spine. My stomach churns and I feel like I could be seeing the bread that I ate this morning in my near future.

"Katniss!!!" He runs to me and hugs me as if he'd just come back from an average hunting trip and almost got caught sneaking back into twelve. I just stand there not returning the favor he doesn't deserve.

When he pulls back, to my surprise, tears filled his eyes.

At this point I was just numb. I had cried all the tears that my body could possibly hold.

"I hope that maybe one day, you could love me again." He says longingly.

A gruesome sneer unwillingly spreads across my face.

That was it. I took all of my strength reared back, and punched him right in his lower jaw.

He flies back and yelps in pain as he grabs his bleeding cheek.

I grab his arm and twist it around. He screams in pain yet again. Anger boils in me and all I see is red. Tears fill my eyes but this time they are theses of pure rage, nothing of the despair I felt earlier.

"I could never love you again." I growl in his ear.

The sinister smile he wore on the podium paints itself on his face once more.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that." He says even in his position.

"I DID love you, even up until last night, but now..."

I trail off because I don't even know how to finish that sentence. I just let go of his arm and swing around quickly grabbing Peeta. I pulled him close to me and press his lips against mine. Peers hesitates but kisses back slightly. I glare at Gale as my lips continue to move against Peeta's and he looks as if I had just run him over with a bus.

"I DO love him." I say when I finally regain my breath. "I at least know that much."

I walk away and head towards the hover craft. Leaving everyone behind me in awe.
I am SO sorry for the short chapter, I was just trying too post something!!!! I have been really busy AND been suffering from writers block. I will try to post more soon, but again I am very busy. Thank you to all my followers and shout out too @Aldee1. Thanks again!!



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