Chapter 1

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A/N - I hate having to do this, but since NovelHD has already started to pirate some of my books, here we go. These works are mine. My poor little brain came up with the plots and characters, and I'd really prefer you to not steal them. If you're reading this on a site that is NOT Wattpad then it is most certainly stolen.




                For the first time in many years, I awoke without the sound of MCRs Look Alive, Sunshine blaring as my alarm. Instead, there was a rhythmic beeping, and total darkness, even as I struggled to open my eyes. What was happening? Where was I? The last thing I remembered was...

               Oh, yeah. I'd be in a hospital. Of course.

My head was pounding when I lifted my right hand slowly towards my eyes, and then heard a startled gasp. A soft hand grabbed my hand, and I assumed it was Heidi, my nanny. Nobody else would be here with me after all. But the voice that I heard was most certainly not that of Heidi.

               "Hey, you're awake!" came a rich female voice that instantly soothed my nerves.

               "I think?" Unless I was dreaming? "Am I in a hospital?"

               "Yes, you are. You're in Scripps Green Hospital, in the ICU," the voice told me. Damn, she sounded gorgeous. Come on Nai'a, don't be thinking about a woman you don't even know, when you don't even know what's happening right now! This could be the damned afterlife for all you know! "Can you answer a few questions? After that I'll tell you what is happening, okay?"

               I nodded slowly, afraid to tweak my aching head. "Yeah. Can I get a drink? Water maybe?"

               I felt a straw at my lips, and I eagerly took it between them and sucked. I was surprised, it was apple juice and not water, and perfect for soothing my thirst. "You can have water in a second. But we need to get you a few extra calories for the questions. I want you to stay awake for me, okay?"

               "Okay. Ask away." It was like being back at school with a first period test.

               "Alright, do you know your name?" she asked. Phew, an easy one!

               "I'm Nai'a Mahoe," I replied quickly.

               "Nai'a! Excellent. My name is Sydney Slater, a nurse at the hospital, and I'll be taking care of you for a while, okay? Now, how old are you Nai'a?" I really liked the way she said my name, it just rolled off her tongue like butter. I wanted to hear her say it a lot more! I wondered how old she was, she sounded young, and her hands were so soft, but I couldn't tell without seeing her.

               How old was I? Well, that was a good question. "How long was I out?"

               "You got here five days ago," she told me.

               "Okay, then I'm still 18." That wasn't as hard as I thought.

               "Oh! When's your birthday?" she wondered, obviously thinking I had a birthday coming up.

               "Five days ago." Nope. I was just making sure I hadn't been out for over a year like in cheesy books and movies. Five missing days I could deal with, as long as nothing earth shattering had happened while I was out.

               "You were attacked on your birthday?" Sydney's voice was shocked, and I could feel her sympathy pain. I know, I'm a pathetic figure. Should I tell her how predictable it was? That every birthday had gotten worse? That it was the same people for the last four years? That it happened several times a month, depending on how aggravated they were with me or with their life? Maybe I could tell her that if they ever had the guts to take me on alone, they'd be here instead of me. But they didn't, there were always three of them. Sometimes more if they recruited a guy. I'd been taking kickboxing classes from my nanny for years, but the only time I'd defended myself, I'd been the one suspended.

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