Ever After High Bio

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NAME: David V. Hades

ALIAS: Lord of the Dead, Pluto (Roman name), Ruler of the Underworld, God of the Underworld, Supreme Nether Underlord, Lord of the Island of Woe

BIRTHDAY: August 8th

AGE: 17

HEIGHT: 188 cm (6'1)



SIDE: Rebel

HOMELAND: Island of Woe


Personality: David he is a very intelligent and educated boy he is usually quite calm, and it is quite difficult to make him lose his temper, and he withdrawn person with a dark outlook on life

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Personality: David he is a very intelligent and educated boy he is usually quite calm, and it is quite difficult to make him lose his temper, and he withdrawn person with a dark outlook on life. David is also fairly serious, and also very mean even when he isn't provoked. He is very sarcastic and a good liar. He is shown to have a nonchalant approach to things throughout the show, prefers to use his intelligence to his advantage rather than strength.


Lover: none at the moment

Ex Lover: Faybelle Thorn

Favorite Food: Candy

Least Favorite Food: Raw fish

LIKES:Flirting with women, deals, power, villainy, monsters, heat, worms, cigars,
the Underworld

DISLIKES: Pain and Panic's blunders, love, verses, puns, lighting bolts, baldness, water

POWERFUL QUALITIES:“The power of death at my fingertips.”

ROOMMATE: “I only need my own company, thanks.”

SECRET HEART'S DESIRE: "Just having fun and finding real love in his life.”

MY "MAGIC" TOUCH: "I can manipulate souls of the dead and undead. Pretty cool, right?"

STORYBOOK ROMANCE STATUS: "It's complicated. It's better that you don't know."

OH "CURSES!" MOMENT: “Getting judged by everyone on campus when you walk in through a portal made of flames and dead souls. Can’t everyone mind their own business??”

FAVOURITE SUBJECT: “Scythes and swords. Any excuse to throw daggers is good enough for me.”

LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECT: “UAIV. I can’t believe you think that all there is to the Hadeses is evilness. Honestly.”

Power and ability::::::::::::::::::

Immortality: As a god, Hades lives eternally. He does not age, nor can he die.

Endurance: Though his endurance is extremely high (being able to withstand lava and freezing cold temperatures), David is not impervious to pain.

Fire Manipulation: David power is mainly derived from fire and smoke (so much so, that his "hair" is made of flames). David can summon fire at will to attack his enemies and cause damage to anything in his vicinity. The extent of his literal firepower is practically unlimited, as he was able to burn an entire forest to the ground in a matter of seconds as a result of an outburst. His fire is fatal to mortals and can be severely damaging to otherworldly beings.

Smoke Manipulation: With smoke, David can conjure objects and creatures from thin air. He also uses smoke as a means to teleport himself with the snap of a finger. David' cloak appears to be made of smoke, specifically at its base. David can also turn his arms into extendable, smokey appendages and use them to grab things (or people) from a distance.

Earth Manipulation: David has shown to have the power to manipulate the terrain.

Telekinesis: David is able to control objects or people with his mind.

Alchemy: David appears to dabble in alchemical practices as he has a potion stored within the Underworld with the power to turn gods into mortals.

Dominion over the Dead: As the Lord of the Underworld, David holds dominion over the dead and the spirits of those who died. Regardless, he does not rule the dead in the Underworld as the spirits in the River Styx have apparently threatened him at least once, and they dragged him down the Styx upon his defeat.

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