lore olympus bio

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Name: David

Nickname: Big Black (by Minthe) Black Boy (by Hera) David (by Rhea, Nyx, Aphrodite) Unseen One (by Mortals) Dark David (by Mortals) God of Monsters (by Mortals) Honey (by Hecate) Young Blood (by Lachesis) The Storm (by Apollo) "Your Majesty" (by Persephone) Davo(by Persephone) Boss (by Hermes) My Love (by Nyx), Spartan, Oathbreaker, The Slayer of Gods / The God Slayer, The Destroyer of Worlds, New king of the Titans

Age: 2000+ 

Gender:♂ Male

Race: God

Specialty: God of Monsters - God of Darkness - God of Heroes - God of Spartans- God of Sin


Personality: David' reputation paints him as a dark ruler, with mortals fearing him so terribly they refuse to call him by name, instead referring to him by his aliases

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Personality: David' reputation paints him as a dark ruler, with mortals fearing him so terribly they refuse to call him by name, instead referring to him by his aliases. In reality, David is polite, sensitive, and often melancholy, having not chosen the Tartarus for himself. Nyx tells him that she "had never loved someone so much," David is cheeky, not afraid to make remarks and wisecracks at the expense of his brothers. He gets along well with them and appears to care for their best interests, despite his sometimes-crude way of showing it. David is kind and understanding to those he cares for, and is a gentleman in comparasion to the rowdy and lewd behavior his brothers exhibit. David' s dark reputation is not all rumor, however. He is quick to jump to cruel punishments for those who wrong him, and sees the shades under his care as a constant source of unpaid labor.

Residence: Olympus (Previous) Mortal Realm (Previous) Tartarus (Current) 

Occupation: King of the Tartarus, CEO of Tartarus Corp, King of the Night, New King of the Titans

Relationship: Nyx (Ex-girlfriend)

Family: Grandparents: Ouranos (Through Kronos) Gaia (Through Kronos) 

Parents: Kronos (Father) Rhea (Mother) 

Siblings: Poseidon (Older brother) Zeus (Older brother) Hades (Older brother)

Extended Family: Demeter (sister-in-law) Hera (Sister-in-law through Zeus) Amphitrite (Sister-in-law through Poseidon) A Horse (name unknown) (Nephew through Poseidon/Future Brother-in-law) Unknown son (Nephew through Poseidon) Athena (Niece through Zeus) Eris (Niece through Zeus) Hephaestus (Nephew through Zeus) Ares (Nephew through Zeus) Hebe (Niece through Zeus) Artemis (Niece through Zeus) Apollo (Nephew through Zeus) Eros (Great-Nephew through Ares) Asclepius (Great-Nephew through Apollo)

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