Lio and Stitch bio

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Full Name: 606

Earth Name: David

SPECIES: Genetic experiment


NICKNAMES AND ALIASES: Little Monster (by Pleakley) - 606 (by Jumba, Hämsterviel and Gantu) - Boojiboo (by Angel) - Trog or Abomination (by Gantu) - Indestructorado ("Elastico")
Wenceslaus ("Phoon")
Kenny (disguise)


OCCUPATIONLilo's "pet"/best friendCo-Captain of the B

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Lilo's "pet"/best friend
Co-Captain of the B.R.B. 9000 (Leroy & Stitch)
Yuna's best friend (Stitch and David!)
Ai's "pet"/best friend (Stitch and David & Ai)

LIKES: His "cousins" (almost all of them) -
ʻOhana (both the concept and his family) - Compassion and acceptance - Food and drink (especially coconut cake and coffee) - Lilo - Angel- Causing mischief, mayhem, and destruction- Frogs- Turtles- Ducks- The Ugly Duckling by Hans Christian - Anderson - Spaceships - Elvis Presley - Surfing - Playing guitar - Dancing - Rodeos - water - Snow/Ice

DISLIKES: Loneliness and rejection - Hämsterviel - Gantu (formerly) - Competition - Mertle - Loud sounds - Harm and/or threats to his family -Mistreatment - The TV show Look at This!

POD COLOR: Unknown; David has never been dehydrated into pod form

ORIGINAL FUNCTION: To cause chaos and destruction

TRUE PLACE: With Lilo and Stitch

Super strength
Super intelligence/Hypercognition
Improved hearing
Improved sense of smell
Highly durable
Heat resistance/Fireproof
Limited poison resistance
Can climb walls and ceilings
Infrared vision
Night vision
Telescopic vision
Retractable body parts
Sharp claws
High dexterity with four arms
Accurate shooter
Contortion (can roll up into a ball)
Able to breathe under the water

Sonar blasts due to sensitive hearing
Finite lifting limit of three-thousand times his size and weight
Ingesting certain chemical compounds causes training loss

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