Actions have Consequences

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Sabo groaned at the pain in all of his limbs. An irritating feedback noise was flooding the blond's hearing. It all went silent.

"Wake up."

Sabo jolted awake, eyes wide and darkness surrounding him. Slowly the darkness retreated to just the corners of the space. A small window with bars dimly illuminated the room and now Sabo could see his hands in front of him. What an improvement. Sabo crawled on his hands and knees feeling around. The boy's hands clasped around what seemed to be a wrist. A very...rubbery wrist.

"Luffy!" Sabo whisper-shouted at his unconscious brother.

Luffy whined with annoyance lacing his voice. Tossing and turning with the stubborn refusal to waking up. Sabo's eye twitched. The blond took a deep breath in, a deep breath out.


"Ow! What was that for?!" complained Luffy, rubbing the red bump on his head gently. Sabo sighed.

"Do you even remember what happened?" Sabo asked skeptically as Luffy hummed in response. The rubber boy rubbed the side of his head with his index finger, a goofy smile on his face. Suddenly his smile dropped and a pouty expression took it's place. "We tried to save you from grumpy guy but then stick guy just injected me and Ace with this, uh, hm, MYSTERY NEEDLE!!"

Sabo laughed at his brother's explanation before quickly flinching when he felt a hand on his shoulder. "Quiet down, I'm trying to sleep."

The blond immediately relaxed as he heard Ace's voice and chuckled at what his idiot brother had said. Luffy pulled his straw hat on tighter as he smiled widely at his brothers. "Sorry it's time to wake up," said Sabo as Ace yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"What happened, are you both alright?" Ace's eyes searched his brother's bodies for any sign of major injuries but he only found a few scratches and bruises which made the freckled hot-head sigh in relief. Luffy laughed as he looked to Ace. "Now I slept a bit I'm ready to beat those guys up!" Sabo hit his younger brother across the head. Even Ace flinched at the loud sound.

"OUCHIE!!" Luffy shouted and clutched his head, his straw hat fluttering to the ground. Ace plucked the straw hat from the dusty floor and plopped it back on his brother's head with annoyed huff. "Haa~, focus Luffy. Do you have a plan Sabo?" asked Ace as he looked to the blond. Sabo was always the one making the plans, as you can imagine what the two other brothers would say.

"Plan? Beat them up."

Sabo hummed, tapping his chin with his index finger, deep in thought. "I can't think up of anything, we'll have to sit tight and wait until more chances show themselves."

Ace shrugged, trusting his brother and flopped onto the concrete ground. Soon soft snores could be heard from him. Luffy groaned and sat still...for a few seconds. "I'M SO BORED!!" the young boy whined as he twisted and turned. Sabo's eye twitched and he felt his hands reaching for his brother's neck. Let's just say, if Sabo went along with his urges, everyone in the room would end up hurt, one way or another. 

Sabo pinched his brother's cheek and pulled on it, the younger child's devil fruit kicking in and effectively stretching that part of his face. Sabo let Luffy's cheek go and proceeded to lie down next to Ace. "Just be quiet, if it helps go pull a prank on Ace or something."

The lasy thing the blond heard was Luffy's soft giggles as he did who-knows-what to the poor unsuspecting Ace.

----This time skip was brought to you by Luffy's Straw hat------

Ace rubbed his eyes roughly as he got used to the darkness around him. The window showed that it was night and a few crickets chirped loudly. A soft breeze traveled across the small room the brothers were in. "Sabo, Luffy, wake up," hissed Ace loudly. He never would admit it but being here without his brother's voices chiming in was unsettling to him. 

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