New island, new people

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"We're here!!" laughed Luffy as he bounced around the small area of the ship the brothers had stolen. Ace smiled and looked at the island ahead of them. "Yeah, finally, we can hunt for some meat and maybe buy some food."

Sabo looked at the blue sky, watching as a seagull flew past. "Let's leave the boat over there," he offered as he pointed to a small beach away from the main docks of the island.

"Ok!" said Luffy as he placed a hand on his treasured hat making sure the wind didn't blow it away. "Let's make this an adventure!!"
"The animals here are so small, and easy to defeat. What should we do?" Ace complained as he held a rabbit in his hand before letting it scamper off. The trio had been hunting in the woods, the prey here was barely even a snack for their blackhole stomachs.

"We have a very limited amount of money, let's see the town here. There should be one since there are docks," Sabo decided, using his brain and good memory. The ball of positivity named Luffy nodded vigorously and ran off before the other two could say another word. "LUFFY GET BACK HERE!?!" Ace screamed as he quickly ran after his troublesome brother.

"This town is huge..." said Luffy, his mouth slack. Ace already felt uncomfortable and pulled his brothers closer to him. "Don't run off again Luffy," Ace ordered, his voice serious. Luffy was obviously not listening, instead he was staring at a small noodle stand.

"Sabo, Ace, look!" Luffy drooled as he stared at the chef giving a bowl of noodles to a person. Ace and Sabo felt their stomachs begging for some food and so they made their way through the mass of people until they reached the desired destination.

"Can we have 3 bowls please," asked Sabo, using the skills he earned as a noble, it was necessary in this situation. The man who was cooking smiled. "Coming right up."

You could see the amazement in Luffy's eyes. The chef was evidently extremely talented and enjoyed cooking a lot. "Here you go!" The chef handed the brothers the noodles, he had a weird hair style but kind eyes. Luffy gladly took the food saying a quick 'thank you' before running to a table near by to sit and enjoy this delicacy. Sabo and Ace joined their brother and together they dug in. It was the best thing they had ever tasted, better than the ramen on Dawn Island and the meat there as well.

"So good," said Luffy in a muffled voice. Ace was too busy stuffing more noodles into his mouth to even listen, Sabo ate in a more dignified way, though not by much. After they finished and their stomachs no longer hated them, they wanted to pay the man but...

"We don't have enough, I swear we had much more than this!" said Sabo as he let his brothers take a look at the measly amount of coins they currently had. "We did have more," said Ace with confidence, yet a dark look came across his face. "Someone stole most of it."
Luffy balled his fists and peered into the brown bag they had kept the coins in.
"I'll kick the butt of whoever stole our money!"
he declared. Ace hit Luffy over the head in an instant.

Sabo sighed, he sighed too much these days. His brothers continued arguing until Sabo snapped. "Will you guys just CALM DOWN."

Ace and Luffy both shivered in fear. Sabo angry was the worst possible outcome of ANYTHING. "We're sorry!"

"Good," said Sabo. "Let's make a break for it, ready? Go!" The boys started running and immediately heard someone shouting from behind them. Ace turned around to see the chef waving a cooking utensil at them while running after them. "Tch, wish we could've paid, he seemed nice."

"His hair was weird, bread head, yeah! Bread head," laughed Luffy as they continued running. Sabo thanked that they had practically lived in the woods on Dawn Island and were used to running while dodging the millions of trees. "Gah!" exclaimed Luffy as he felt someone grab is wrist. The brothers had run pretty far from the village and no one was around, just a few REALLY suspicious alley ways. Ace's and Sabo's instincts quickly turned on as they swiftly turned their heads and saw Luffy being pulled into the shadows. 

"LUFFY!" they both shouted as they ran into the alley way after their brother. 

"You guys could've just said you didn't have money you know-yoi." A blond man had a grip of Luffy's wrist. As you would've guessed, Luffy was doing everything, kicking, punching, biting, scratching but every single time, only a small blue flame would appear and fade as quickly as it came. "LET ME GO PINEAPPLE HEAD!!" shouted Luffy in his attempt to get away. 

"Pineapple head, that's hilarious." Ace and Sabo were at the very least startled as they heard a voice behind them. They didn't hear, nor sense, anyone behind them before. 

"Who are you guys?" snarled Ace, his eyes darting from the blond haired man who held Luffy to the chef with the weird hairstyle. 

"Pirates kid, the Whitebeard pirates." Sabo felt a chill go up his spine as his mind registered what was just said. Ace felt that Sabo was now scared, he must know who these people are, they must be dangerous. "Luffy, you know what to do." Luffy looked to his older brother with wide eyes and nodded quickly. Sabo was frozen, unable to move, he cursed himself for being so cowardly yet his body would not listen to him. "COVER YOUR EARS!!" ordered Ace and slammed Sabo's hands on his ears, doing the same to himself. 

Everyone heard the scream of a child, all around the island. It's a miracle that Luffy could scream that loud, but he was Luffy, what did you expect? People crowded around very quickly, wondering what was going on. Let's just say the blond man and the chef's ears were harmed. Luffy was quickly dropped and dragged away by his brothers, they blended very easily in the crowd. "Hey, wait!" None of the brothers looked back.


"Sabo, you alright?" Ace asked. The stars were already twinkling in the cloudless sky and the waves were rocking the small boat gently. Sabo looked at his brothers helplessly and closed his eyes. Luffy crawled over to Sabo and hugged him, not liking the negative energy that surrounded him. "The Whitebeard pirates, the crew is huge and their captain is the strongest man in the world," muttered Sabo, hugging Luffy back. "I'm afraid that now that we did that to them, they'll do something back." Ace frowned, his eyes darkening.

"I'll beat them up if they do anything!" Luffy declared. Silence. Ace and Sabo burst out laughing while Luffy asked them what was so funny. "Let's just sleep, I'm exhausted," said Sabo as Ace nodded in agreement. Luffy blew out the candle and snuggled between his brothers. It was warm, safe. It was easy to fall asleep, not for long.


"HOW THE HECK DID THAT APPEAR THERE?!" shouted Ace as he got out an oar.

"I DON'T KNOW!!" screamed Sabo back. A whirpool had just spawned. Luffy was currently trying to keep everything on the boat from falling out, this was hard. "NO." said Luffy as he caught a lantern and put it back into the boat. 

"It's no use." said Sabo. Ace had to bite back the urge to swear and opened a empty barrel. He pulled Luffy by the hem of his shirt and stuffed him into the barrel. "Ace!" exclaimed Luffy as he was pulled inside.

"Sabo get in."

"Ace, we can't possibly survive a whirlpool in a barrel, the chances are extremely low!" panicked Sabo. 

"Just get in!" How they all fit inside the barrel is a mystery. The whirlpool sucked them inside with ease and threw them out just as quickly. The sea currents moved the barrel across the sea until it caught the sight of a certain crew. 

"Pops, you ought to see this!"

Hi. It's me, your fav person! That was sarcasm. So now the barrel with a bunch of kids caught the eye of a certain crew. How will this turn out? I don't know either, do not look at me. Just hope you're enjoying reading this. SLOW UPDATES. I REPEAT, SLOW UPDATES. 

ASL and the Whitebeard Pirates|| A One Piece FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now