Katsuki raised an eyebrow from what was happening, but the second he heard a deep growl, he knew exactly what his wife was doing. 

'Oh shit.' 

The smoke cleared and a giant Dark Green panther stood mere feet from him. 

"What the- Our teacher just turned into a giant cat!?!?!" 

"Yeah, but how'd she do that?!?!" 

"Alright Deku, you asked for it, so don't say I didn't warn you." Katsuki muttered as he held his arms behind and was about to launch himself off like a rocket towards the cat.

The second he started blasting off, the giant cat started storming up to him and jumped straight into the air to try and stop him. 

But the second both of them were centimeters away from attacking, suddenly, both of their quirks stopped working. Izuku poofed back to normal, and Katsuki's explosions behind him disappeared like nothing, and both of them plopped right back onto the ground. 

"Eh? What happened?" 

"Yeah, why'd everything stop?" 

"That's 5 minutes." Mr. Aizawa stated. 

The couple looked at Mr. Aizawa as his eyes were glowing and his hair was standing up. 

'Ah- he stopped the fight just like that, he really is scary.' Izuku thought. 

"The 5 minutes is up, so the battle ended in a draw." Mr. Aizawa claimed.

'So much for winning, oh well...' Izuku thought. 


She looked up to see her husband standing over her and holding his hand out. 


"What? You think I'm just gonna leave my wife lying in the dirt?" he stated, which made everyone freeze up. 

"Wait- MRS. MIDORIYA IS DYNAMITE'S WIFE?!?!?" everyone exclaimed. 

"You two are surely a troublesome pair." Mr. Aizawa groaned. 

"Hehe- sorry if we caused any problems, Mr. Aizawa, I just wanted to have a little fun." 


"Well then everyone, did any of you learn from that fight?" Izuku asked, not to expect all her students talking over one another and asking her multiple questions about practically anything. 

'Ah- Well I guess it looks like I really pulled that off!' Izuku thought happily.

'Now that half the day's over, I hope the rest of today will fly by, but at least the students think I'm cool now. I wonder if Kacchan's doing okay though.' the greenette thought as she entered the cafeteria. 

"Hey! Looks like you're doing well!" 


Izuku looked over to see Saeko walking up to her with a gleeful grin. 

"Oh, Saeko." 

"I heard you went and had a little one on one fight with your husband? I'm sure that must've been cool to watch." Saeko added. 

"Ah- yes, it was. And it's not the first time I've fought against Kacchan, but it has been a while since I've used this much effort." Izuku mumbled nervously. 

"Ey~ Look on the bright side, I'm sure all the students that were watching thought you were cool. So who won the fight?" 

"I-It actually ended in a draw, me and Kacchan took too long and Mr. Aizawa stopped us before we could land our final attack." 

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