27: Yours

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"Mama! We're back!" Katsuma exclaimed as he ran into the bedroom and ran straight to the bed. 

"Katsuma, did you have fun at Koko's?" Izuku asked. 

"Yeah! It was really fun, but I miss you, mama!" Katsuma answered as he climbed onto the bed and hugged her. 

Izuku had to keep her pain hidden when the little boy hugged her. 

'Not too tight Katsuma, I'm really sore.' Izuku thought, biting her tongue. 

"You're awake." 

Izuku and Emra looked up to see Katsuki entering the room while carrying both the twins in his arms. 


"Well, since you finally got back, I'm leaving. I just wanted to make sure someone was watching Izuku for a little bit, and now that I've done that, I need to go home myself. Listen to what I told you, Izuku, and don't push yourself." Emra demanded. 

"Mn. I won't. Thanks for the help, Emra." 

"Don't thank me when I barely did anything." Emra said and she left right after.

The second Emra was gone, Izuku panned her eyes over to Katsuki who remained pretty quiet. "Is something on your mind, Kacchan?" she asked. 

"How... How're you feeling?" he asked in almost a whisper. 

"I'm fine, just sore, that's something that's normal when I have my limbs reconnected. It's not something you can help with." Izuku answered. 

"Ah- got it..." he mumbled. 

The greenette could remember the entire fight against Amber and how she ended up getting hit by one of Katsuki's attacks, and since she remembered that happening, she knew the guilt was eating the blond.

"It wasn't your fault." she started. 

She reached her left hand out and rested it on his hand which caused him to want to sit down on the bed. 

"You've made a lot of mistakes in your life, Kacchan, but what happened to me... that wasn't a mistake on your part. Neither of us knew that Amber could do something like that with her quirk, so don't blame yourself for me getting hurt. You remember when you got badly injured that one time and I blamed myself for you getting hurt, just know that I'm not mad at you. I can handle taking the pain, just know that, Kacchan." Izuku expressed as she rested her hand on his cheek. 

Just feeling how cold her hand was made the blond's mind feel at ease and his worries were lifting away slowly.

"This is only the beginning of all of this, so don't blame yourself every single time I get hurt, okay, Kacchan?" she asked with a sweet smile. 

"Okay... I won't." he sighed as he leaned in and rested his forehead onto her forehead. 

"Papa and mama are flirting." Katsuma mumbled. 

"Hmph, maybe we are, but it's not gross, Katsuma." Izuku assured the little boy. 

"Papa, I'm hungry." Katsuma stated, easily changing the subject. 

"Fine, let's leave your mom alone and get you something to eat." Katsuki groaned as he stood up from the bed and watched as the little boy got off the bed and followed him out of the room. 

"I'll be back to check on you." 

"Mn. Have fun with the kids." Izuku said with a little laugh. 

Just seeing him taking full responsibility for all three kids was something that could only make her smile and her chest feel all warm and fluffy. 

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