71: Mr. Blue Sky

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"Yosh! Today's the day!" Izuku told herself as she looked in the mirror at what she was wearing. 

She wore her usual formal work wear that she'd usually wear at the facility, but this was all just a disguise since she'd yet to reveal to her husband about her new teaching job. After waiting for the past school year to end, Izuku's been secretly waiting until the new semester and today is now the first day of a new year for the school year. 

'Once Kacchan heads to the school, I'll have to wait a bit to leave with the kids, but I wanna see how long it'll take Kacchan to notice me teaching there. This is so exciting!'

She ran down the stairs and felt utter joy to see her husband making breakfast in the kitchen while the kids were watching him. 

"Good morning~!" she sang. 


"You're in a good mood." Katsuki noted. 

"Of course!" she said as she walked up to her husband, and pecked him on the cheek. 

"It's the first day of a new school year, which means we'll be getting a lot more hero suits and item requests at the facility." she added. 

"I thought you didn't like getting busy." 

"Sometimes, but I'm looking forward to all the new quirks from the new heroes that're out now! And I know you'll be one of the heroes that'll make the new heroes better, you are the best there is afterall!" she cheered. 

That made the blond snicker at her comment. 

"Heh- Of course I'm the best, but that's cause I've got a cute wife to make me this way." he teased as he wrapped his arm around her waist and showered her with kisses. 

"Kyaa! That tickles, Kacchan!"

"Haaaaah!!! You look so good in the new suit!" Izuku perked with beaming eyes. 

In the time that she's been preparing for the new school year, Izuku decided to design a new suit for her husband since it'd been a while, and it wasn't an issue for him to agree to a new suit this time. 

"It's a little tighter than my other one." 

"That's because you wore your other one a lot, which means the tightness in your other suit didn't last long. And I made sure that your suit is 'explosive-proof' and updated your gloves too. It's certified to be the best suit I've ever designed!!!" she exclaimed with a thumbs up to him. 

"Heh- I can expect no less from my wife. Thanks sweetie." he said sweetly as he pecked her cheek.

"Hehe- My husband deserves the best, which is what I'm gonna give him. I'm glad you like it, honey. Hm? Oh! You gotta go now or you'll be late!" she yelled as she started shoving him to the front door. 

"Yah- I can walk myself, and I won't be late-" 

"But if you stay here any longer, you will be! No go, go!" 

"Hmph, bye Izuku." 

"Bye papa!" 

"Bye Kacchan, and please be careful!" 

"Yeah, I will. Bye!" 

She watched her husband walking away from the house and watched as explosions appeared from his feet and he went off flying. 

'Hmph, so silly. Right! Now we've gotta get to school!' she thought as she got into action and grabbed everything she needed, including the kids.

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