26: What Can I Do?

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As the new day had started, the blond sneezed which caused him to wake up and he opened his eyes to see the greenette lying next to him. 

'Oh yeah... I fell asleep in bed next to Deku since I was watching her.' he thought as he sat up from the bed and rubbed his eyes. He looked closer at the sleeping greenette and she seemed a lot more relaxed than she was the night before. 

'She seems to look better, but is she better even after that attack I accidentally pulled?' He paused from looking at her face and panned over to see her limbless legs since Takashi took off her prosthetic limbs when he healed her. 

'The last time Deku was like this was when...' The blond knew of the exact memory from the last time Izuku got badly hurt that her prosthetic limbs got badly damaged and he clenched his teeth when he thought about it.

The sight of the greenette falling off that tall roof and how she landed on the ground and holding her stomach while unconscious was something Katsuki could never forget. That memory enveloped a lot of guilt in him for a long time, and it didn't help that Izuku lost her memories for a short time and had to go back to America for some time to recover. 

That year where he felt like he lost the greenette was a time that ate him alive and even when she did come back to Japan a year later, it still shrouded him. He reached out and grabbed the greenette's left hand and squeezed it and that helped him stop thinking about that painful memory. 

'I'm not gonna let something like that happen to you, I promise, Izuku.' he thought as he gently pressed his lips onto her forehead and kissed her.

He walked out of the bedroom and went down the stairs only to remember that Emra took the kids to Izuku's mother's place for the night since he was supposed to watch Izuku all night. 

'What the hell am I supposed to do right now if Deku's still asleep?' 

And right on cue did he hear the sound of a knock on the front door. 

'Huh? Who's here now?' 

He walked up to the front door and opened to reveal Emra and a woman with Bright Red hair behind her. 

"I figured you were still sleeping, but it turns out I was wrong." Emra noted. 

"Not funny, and who the hell is that?" Katsuki asked, pointing at the redhead. 

"This is Kendra, she's a scientist and went to school with Izuku when they were in America. She's the one that makes the prosthetic limbs for me and Izuku." Emra answered.

Yes, what Emra said is true, as this young lady is known as Kendra Feather, a very close friend to both Izuku and Emra from back when they were all in America. 

Kendra is a scientist just like Izuku as she creates hero items and suits, but she doesn't work at the I-Island facility and works instead at Shiro Robotics. And also like Emra said, she's the one that's made the prosthetic limbs for both Emra and Izuku and is probably the only one that can create such high tech and working limbs for people. 

This also just happens to probably be one of the first times Katsuki is meeting her even when he's been married to Izuku for almost 4 years now. 

"So she's the chick that makes the fake limbs for Deku?" Katsuki asked, as he didn't seem all that impressed. 

"Haha- it's just me, nothing special about me anyways." Kendra joked. 

"Watch what you say since Izuku and I both have limbs made by Kendra." 

"Right, this way I guess." Katsuki sighed and showed the redhead to the bedroom.

"It's been a while since the last time I had to make new limbs for Izuku, but don't worry, these are a lot more sturdy than the last limbs were." Kendra stated and got straight to work. 

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