46: Troublemaker

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"Izuku Midoriya?"

Izuku and Katsuki's eyes widened once they recognized the man, and slowly panned to look at each other. 

'There's no way... Another one of them appeared and actually showed up at my work again? Did they not learn from the last time that happened?' Izuku thought. 

"Umm... T-That's me." Izuku responded. 

"Aha! I knew I was right! I've been looking for you and wanting to talk to you!" the man stated 

"And~ you are?" she asked. 

"Oh, silly me, where are my manners? Damian Crystal, I'm a journalist!" he answered as he held his hand out to her. The greenette looked down at his hand, and then looked up to see Katsuki standing in front of her and guarding her. 

"So what if you're a journalist or whatever, so why do you need to talk to Deku?" Katsuki growled as he glared at the man.

"Ah- Oh, excuse me, it appears I was too forceful of myself and didn't explain as to why I need to see Mrs. Midoriya. My company–well, more like my family–has actually been asking me to make a little collaboration with you, but I wanted to try and get an interview on you and your work before the collaboration was even a thought." Damian explained. 

'A damn interview, is he gonna try and pull what that damn reporter did to Deku years ago?' Katsuki thought as he grit his teeth. 

'So he's trying to make an excuse by saying that his family wants to collaborate with me, but why? I swear, their excuses just get stranger and stranger.' Izuku thought. 

"And... why exactly does your company want to collaborate with me?" Izuku asked.

"Well it sounds to me that you don't recognize me from the company I work for, so here's my business card." Damian flirted as he held a business card out to the greenette. 

Izuku carefully grabbed the card and examined it to see the name of the company and felt her body freeze up when she saw the name; Gem on it. 

'So he's not even going to hide that he really is a distant relative of me and give me a fake business card. What's he playing at?' she thought. 

"My company has been very interested in your work and wants to make a collaboration with you once I'm able to get a little interview with you." Damian explained. 

'Damnit, now he's pushing my fucking buttons!' Katsuki thought and grabbed the man by his shirt. 

"Look here, what makes you think my wife's gonna just agree to do a damn interview with you?! She's already busy, so why don't you just piss of?" Katsuki barked. 

"Ah- Kacchan, calm down! J-Just give us a minute as I need to talk to my husband." Izuku said, trying to put on a fake smile as she dragged the blond away.

Once they got to a far enough distance, Katsuki got frustrated. 

"Deku, don't tell me you're gonna fall for that guys stupid trap? You remember the last time a guy asked to do a stupid interview with you, you almost got hurt." Katsuki reminded. 

"I know, I know, but..." she paused and got a quick flashback of that memory and how terrified she was and how much anxiety it gave her just thinking about it. 

"But I'm not gonna fall for any traps he tries to pull on me. Besides, Emra said that we shouldn't be extremely worried about Diana's brothers because they're not as strong as she is. Not just that, but last time it happened, I was defenseless and afraid, but I'm not afraid this time and..." she paused as she opened her lab coat to reveal her whip that she used to fight against Amber. 

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