10: When the Rain Stops

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"You're lucky she wasn't alone when this happened, or she could've hurt herself from the fall." Takashi stated. 

This young man is Takashi Gunner, and not only is he a doctor but is also Emra's husband. He used to be Katsuki's neighbor back when Katsuki used to live in a penthouse before Izuku and him moved in together. Right after Izuku passed out in Katsuki's office at his agency, Katsuki rushed her to the hospital Takashi works at. 

"So... is it something really bad?" Katsuki asked, shaking at the thought that Izuku passed out from some kind of sickness or disease. 

"Well, I've dealt with this kind of case before, and it seems Izuku has had a lot of stress recently and passed out from overworking her body as well." Takashi answered.

"Is that... it?" 

"I can already tell it's not just from Izuku having a lot of stress or overworking herself, there's something worse than that." Takashi and Katsuki looked over at the door to see Emra standing there. 

"Emra, you're here." 

"Wait- What could be worse than what Deku has already?" Katsuki asked in worry. "I could tell from the second Izuku was talking to me last night that she was dealing with a lot of things on her own. Izuku... is severely depressed." Emra stated. 

A shiver went down the blond's spine as he wasn't sure if what he was told was true or not. 

"Izuku's been overthinking a lot of things recently that her mental health has collapsed like it did in the past. The reason she passed out was because she was having an anxiety attack that caused her breathing to not function properly and she ended up passing out because her brain couldn't get enough oxygen. So it's not only her physical health that is drained, but her mental health is also in a dangerous state. But you didn't know anything about that, did you, Katsuki?" Emra asked. 

"I-I... I didn't..." 

Katsuki was lost for words as he had no idea what the greenette–his own wife–was going through.

"Katsuki, follow me to the roof, I need to have a 1 on 1 word with you, now." Emra said and left the room without another word. 

Katsuki groaned as he knew that whatever Emra was gonna say wasn't gonna be good and he dreaded the thought. 

"Don't overthink what Emra's gonna tell you. Though she'll tell you the hard truth that you might not wanna hear, she's only gonna tell you this way because she doesn't want Izuku to stay hurt." Takashi noted. 

"Hah- right. I'll be back." Katsuki sighed as he left the room and walked straight to the roof. He opened the door to the roof and knew he was about to get an earful of it from his wife's cousin, and he was gonna feel like crap after hearing it.

Emra turned her attention to the blond as he walked onto the roof and towards her until he finally stopped. 

"What the hell have you been doing?" Emra demanded. 

"What d'you mean?" 

"Don't play dumb, Izuku told me that she's been the only one taking care of her kids–who also happen to be your kids!" Emra yelled. 

"I... I've been busy working." 

"And Izuku isn't?!?! She told me that ever since she's given birth to your kids, she's been working herself down to the bone and you haven't once taken action to help her! The second a child is born, you have to take responsibility and be the father that they need! Your kids have spent more time with your parents than you, and that's not how it's supposed to be! In case you forgot, Izuku retired from hero work again the second she was pregnant with Katsuma because she didn't want you to get worried. But again, all you've done is distance yourself from your kids, and from your wife! I know you two aren't fighting, but there has to be a reason as to why you're putting up a wall on your own family." Emra exclaimed.

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