45: Hot Enough

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Christmas seemed to have gone by faster than the greenette wanted, but that's all because her work schedule might've gotten a little busier than before. Izuku had to get back to work the day after Christmas, and had been busy with things for the next 5 days. 

Now it was the day before New Years Eve and she was thinking of what she and her husband and kids were gonna do on New Years Eve and New Years day. 

"Ugh... So tired..." she groaned as she rested her head on her desk. 

Though it had been almost a week since she and her husband had the... 'insert the sound of a whistle', and though she thought the soreness would go away after a couple days, she'd still been feeling it even now.

'Why do I still feel sore when it's been almost a week? Erm- I highly doubt Kacchan is sore since he's the one that did this to me, but he didn't have to go that rough. But at least all the marks he made on me have already vanished, so why won't the soreness go away? Mmmh...' 

She lifted her head slightly to examine her busy and messy desk to see a picture of her and her husband and kids from Christmas that she couldn't help but frame and place in her office. She smiled at the picture because that day was nothing but happiness for her–well, besides the waking up and feeling sore part. 

"Erm- I wanna see my husband and kids now." she whined with a pouting face.

Right on cue, did the greenette hear a knock at her office door, and she lifted her head to see who it was. The second the door opened, it felt like the greenette's prayer was quickly answered. 


"Eh- K-Katsuma? What are you doing here?" Izuku asked as she stood up from her desk. 

"Looks like your office is still a mess like back then." 

The greenette looked back up at the door to see Katsuki entering her office while carrying the twins in each arm. 


'Is this real? Am I dreaming? Why is Kacchan and the kids here at my office?' she thought. 

"Oi- Don't space out on me." he said as he poked her forehead. 

"S-Sorry, but... what're you and the kids doing here? I'm sure you're busy at your agency at this time of the year, right?" she asked. 

"I wanted to take a break and see my cute wife, and the kids wanted to see you too, so I couldn't say no." he answered.

Every time he called her cute, she just felt her knees lock up and her chest burning from his sweet comment. 

'He's called me cute, pretty, beautiful and so many other things and yet I'm still not used to it even when we're married!' she thought, as she clenched her hand on her chest. 

"Mama, I wanna play with Mel!" Katsuma exclaimed. 

From an early age, Katsuma couldn't manage saying Melissa's name and so he just started calling her Mel since that was a lot easier. 

"I think I heard someone call my name!" 

The couple turned to look at the door and Melissa was standing there. 

"Mel!" Katsuma yelled and ran up to the blonde. 

"Aw~ I missed you too, you little cutie! Did you have a good Christmas?" 

"Yeah! Can we play now, please, Mel? Can I play with Mel, mama, papa?" Katsuma begged. 

"Hmph, of course you can, Katsuma, and you can take your brother and sister too." 

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