64: Reason

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As the sound of a beeping machine was heard in her ear, the greenette felt herself wake up and opened her eyes to see a White ceiling. Her entire body felt heavy, and it felt like her skin had needles in every place possible. 

'I'm... alive... but how long was I out?' she thought, slowly panning her head to the left to see another bed next to her's. 

Her eyes moved around to see who was in the bed next to her, and her eyes widened when she discovered it was her own husband lying there. He had bandages covering his entire body, a bandaid over his nose and a patch on the side of his chin, but he remained lying there with his eyes closed as the IV dripped every few seconds. 

'Kacchan...' she thought as tears formed up in her eyes from relief.

"At least one of you is finally awake." 

The greenette tried to lift up her head to see Takashi entering the room with a relaxed smile on his face. 


"Looks like you need help just to sit up, huh?" 

"Ah- y-yes." 

So the doctor walked up to her bed and assisted her to sit up, and that's when she finally got a look at herself. Just like her husband, Izuku was practically covered in bandages from head to toe, but the only places that weren't bandaged were her legs and right arm since they were prosthetics. 

But even her prosthetic limbs appeared different than usual, as they were just metal limbs, and no fake skin covered the metal. 

'My body-'

"It's a good thing we were able to fly Katsuma here to help you two, then things would've been complicated if that didn't happen." Takashi noted. 

"Huh? My son?" 

"No, Katsuma from Nabu Island. I'm sure it's been a while since the last time you saw him, but we specifically asked him to come and heal you both." Takashi answered. 

'Ah- That's right, back when Kacchan got badly injured a few years ago, Emra and Takashi brought Katsuma in just to heal Kacchan and saved his life. I named my son after Katsuma because I was so thankful.' Izuku thought. 

"It's honestly a miracle the two of you survived with that many burns and broken bones. I'm surprised you two didn't lose any limbs since the burns were that bad, but it seems Katsuma was able to make everything go back to normal for you two." Takashi explained. 

"I... I didn't think things would turn out like this... H-How long was I out?"

"3 days." 

Both the doctor and greenette looked over at the door to see Emra entering the room. 


"You're pretty lucky Emra knew something was going on by the time you two met Hayley, as Emra was the one that found your friends and asked them to help you." Takashi added. 

"Ah- That makes sense, I was wondering why they appeared out of nowhere." Izuku mumbled. 

"It's also another thing to mention that while you were unconscious, I had Kendra stop by and give you new prosthetic limbs. Unfortunately, these limbs can't be covered in fake skin, and they will feel a bit heavier than your past fake limbs, but they're much sturdier than before." Emra explained. 

Izuku lifted her right arm and did notice how heavy her arm felt, as the metal shined like it was just polished. 

"Then can you tell Kendra I said thanks?" 

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