67: Touch

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( Note: There is a bit of fluff/smut at the end of this chapter! Enjoy! )

As the light from the morning Sun began to creep through the cracks from the curtains, a certain greenette felt the warm light hit her face. She peeked her eyes open and remembered that this wasn't her normal bed as she recognized the color of the curtains. 

'Oh yeah... we're on vacation, and last night-' 

Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt a pair of sturdy arms tighten around her waist and she could feel something warm resting against her back. She panned her head over to see her own husband holding her tightly while still asleep. 

'Wait- We...' 

She glanced down at herself to see that she was still in her underwear, which meant that though they didn't do the dirty, they did something a little more on the gentle side.

"Why're you awake?" he asked as his lips were close to her ear. 

"I-I can't help waking up early. D-Did I wake you?" 

"Let's just go back to sleep." he groaned. 

Izuku looked back at her husband as his eyes were completely shut, so she rolled her body over so she could be face to face with him. 

"Hey Kacchan." 


She watched him open his eyes and was staring deep into his intense Ruby Red gaze. 

"L-Last night, umm I-I-" 

"You wanna go for another round?" 

Her cheeks instantly blushed at the thought of 'another round', and she knew it was about to actually happen as his lips curved. 

"I can be gentle if you want, or I can go rough, you tell me." 

"No no no no no~!!! I-I didn't mean that! I-I just wasn't sure i-if what happened was r-real or not! T-That's all!" 

"Then do you want me to prove that it happened and go for another round?" 


"You asked for it." he said as he sat up and was lying on top of her. 

"W-Wait wait wait! You're misinterpreting things again! A-And besides, it's daytime and we need to go out with the kids and our parents!" she suggested, trying to change the topic. 

"Then just one round and I'll be gentle?" he offered. 

"No! I literally just told you we need to get up!" she yelled. 

He stared at his nervous wife and sighed as he rested his head in the nape of her neck and hugged her once more. 


"Then let's just sleep a little more? I'm tired." he sighed. 


"O-Okay, but just for one hour." 


"That wasn't a direct response."

But right when the couple was about to go back to sleep for another hour, the sound of knocking caught their ears. 

"Kacchan, someone's at the door." Izuku noted. 

"Yeah, but let's just ignore it." he groaned as he didn't wanna get off his wife. 

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