The greenette took a few seconds to process that conversation, until she straightened her back, grabbed her bag and pulled out her White lab coat and put it on over her hero suit. 

'Alright, time to get to teaching!'

"Ah- There you are, Mrs. Bak-" 

"Mrs. Principal, I'd like to be called Mrs. Midoriya or Deku!" Izuku interrupted. 

"I see, alright then. I waited until you got back, but I'll introduce you to all the students. Are you ready?" Nezu asked. 

"Mn! I am!" 

"Splendid, let's go in now." 

Izuku watched the mouse open the door and both of them walked in, and she felt her heart drop when she saw how many kids were in that room. 

'T-There's so many students!' she thought, as she quickly counted all of them. 

'O-Over 30 kids are in this class!?!?' 

"Good morning everyone, it is splendid that all of you are our new students here at U.A.. As all of you should know, I'm the Principal; Nezu, but all of you are to address me as Mr. Principal!" Nezu announced happily. 

The students remained quiet as they stared at the mouse, and some made weird faces as this was their first time seeing the principal.

'They're not wrong for making those faces at the principal, I had no idea he was a mouse either.' Izuku thought. 

"Now I know all of you have heard that the original teacher of this class is no longer working with us, but do not fear, as we have a wonderful new teacher to take their place. You may address yourself." Nezu said, looking up at the greenette. 


Izuku instantly bowed in front of the class and yelled; 

"My name is Izuku Midoriya, but all of you will call me Mrs. Midoriya! I will be your new teacher for this course and I will be working just as hard as all of you!"

Though she was expecting a response, it was completely silent in the room as she straightened her back. She looked at all the students and they didn't seem that impressed by her. 

'I have to think of some way to get their attention, but how?' 

"Mrs. Midoriya is a scientist at I-Island and is known for creating some of the best hero suits and items out there." Nezu added, but nothing, no reaction. 

'Still nothing. Do these kids regret getting accepted here? Wait- I've got it!' 

"Mr. Principal!" 

"Yes, Mrs. Midoriya?" 

"Do you know if the first year Hero Course students are training today?" 

"Hmmm... They should be out right now as we speak." 

'That's perfect!' 

"Everyone, we're going out to the training facility right now!" Izuku announced, and that caught everyone's attention.

"Why're we going out to the training facility?" 

"Don't know." 

"We're probably gonna have to use our quirks or something." 

"Man, why can't we have a cool teacher?" 

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