匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺 11 (Not Star-Crossed)

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匚卄卂卩ㄒ乇尺    11: 几ㄖㄒ    丂ㄒ卂尺 -匚尺ㄖ丂丂乇ᗪ

Ҝ卄卂丨    尺乇卂ᐯ乇尺

爪卂ㄚ  2028

卂乃ㄖㄩㄒ   6   ㄚ乇卂尺丂    卂千ㄒ乇尺      ㄖㄩㄒ乃尺乇卂Ҝ


丂乇卂丂ㄖ几 5/ ㄒ卄乇   千丨几卂ㄥ   丂乇卂丂ㄖ几


Leaving's easier when you can actually see where you're going. I mean that both figuratively and literally. I feel bad for leaving Leah, I know even if she didn't want to admit it, she needed me. Or maybe I just needed her, but I needed Evelyn more. I didn't know if she was dead. I started thinking that I might never see her again. I pushed those thoughts away but they kept coming back.

I hope Leah is able to create a home for Amyas, God knows the kid deserves it. I just hope it doesn't go to her head, a leader is nothing if they put themselves or their bloodline first. 

I'd walked for longer than I thought I would have to. I felt like an easy target considering I was out in the open with nothing but a gun with one bullet and the inability to see. I hadn't heard the sound of voices in forever and it didn't feel right when that changed. 

They were familiar, I was expecting them not to be. It didn't register at first but when it did, I knew everything would be okay. 

It was Evelyn, I had found her.


乇ㄒ卄卂几    山卂尺尺乇几


I don't want to say I thought that our struggling died with the community but a man can hope, can't he?

Maybe I was surprised, maybe I expected worse but then again, I've learned to expect the worst. What I heard was not what I expected.

Rudi came running back to the community, a look of horror frozen on his face almost permanently. He wouldn't tell us what happened, not at first. The words were too hard to get out. When he finally said what he saw, I understood why it took so much effort. 

"I know where Airianna is," he exhaled dramatically. I know I gave him a look of confusion. I tried to hide it but my attempt was pathetic. 

"I saw her too," Juna emphasized with concern. I didn't have anything to say. Processing this was almost impossible. I don't want to say I believed Airianna to be dead but it's been so long. I had to believe what I thought would keep us alive. Dwelling doesn't keep you alive. 

The others looked at me for answers. Answers I didn't have. I didn't know what we were dealing with. I didn't know what we were about to get involved with, but I knew we had to do something. Airianna may be Rudolph's daughter but in a way, she's mine too. 

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