Double disaster 3/3

Start from the beginning

The first agent that Germany originally was fighting, stared at him in horror as Germany stared at his bloody, black magic infested hand and he wiped it off on his shirt. He felt strange, he wanted blood and his target were his enemies. He wasn't done yet fighting anyway.

Vatican from the distance noticed the sudden energy aura around him, Poland smelt it too, and knew what Germany wanted. Blood.

Germany jumped onto the guy and harshly but into his shoulder as the other cries out in pain, trying to pull Germany off as he drank the warm crimson red substance.
'EW! Okay I was not expecting that!!' Vatican yelped, traumatized. 'I thought you were blood free?'

'Nah he just takes it quietly from me sometimes.' Poland said.
'WHAT? Don't black magic users hate holy magic blood?'
'No, it's about the relationship with the person.' Poland replied, before hearing a sharp sound next to him as he jerked his hard to the side, only to see a black magic barrier blocking the two. Germany was in front of them.
'HOW???' Vatican gasped, shocked. Germany shrugged, not noticing how he suddenly appeared in front of the two.

Germany leaned back, Poland holding onto his shoulders to make sure he doesn't fall, the barrier went backwards with him before he flung the barrier along with some bullets that got stuck to his, head shooting another agent from the distance.
'You're welcome, distracted sad fucks.' Germany murmured lightly,
'Hey!! Come on I'm not a sad fuck!' Poland exclaimed.
'Oh sorry, holy magic man who can't spell the word "tomorrow".' Germany teased.
'Okay cursed guy who's energy level is the same quality as an Apple phone (IPhone).' Poland replied to his mild insult.

Germany let go of the conversation, starting to make a magic ball, he wanted to try some new type of earthquake that could affect large ranges of the area.
'Defend me.' Germany commanded quickly, 'Please?' He added, Poland nodded and Vatican did too before they positioned themselves, Germany was focused into making it, if he lost focus he could make an earthquake that is too weak or overpowered to the point it will split a country in half.

Poland positioned himself in front of Germany making a quick barrier, Vatican did the same but on the other side.
America jumped out, kicking another agent's face full force. While he landed, one used a taser against America, making him yell out in agony.
'AGH! OUCH!' Czechia noticed and ran over quickly, leaping across Canada who was busy dodging one of the Agents moves, quickly he landed on top of one of them, slashing their stomach multiple times until their guts were visible.

Czechia internally was cringing, looking at the blood and organs. He wanted to mess with the others so he prayed that the texture wasn't horrifying and scooped up the guts and pretended to eat it, blood was around his mouth but thankfully he didn't consume the guts, if he did he would be sobbing and screeching in the ground.

'WHAT THE FUCK?!' One screamed as they all backed off, one pointed a gun at Czechia's forehead.
'Let go of him.' Czechia instead dropped the guts onto the ground, creating a little splosh

His tails secretly wrapped around his legs, one for his left leg and the other, right. He raised his hands, getting up slowly before tugging his tails extremely hard, knocking him over before slashing his face and kicking it until his teeth got knocked out.
'You good America?' Czechia checked up on America and he nodded, suddenly something grasped onto his tail,
'CZECHIA!' He grabbed onto Czechia to try to pull him back, not knowing where the attack was coming from.

Germany noticed this from Vatican's side.
'Vatican. Break the barrier.' Germany said, Vatican did so, by splitting it in half but still having it. Germany aimed before sending the magic ball to cut the rope, the rope snapped right off, dropping Czechia as America quickly catches him. The magic ball meanwhile bounced off, where? Definitely not near them.

'What the??!!' Germany asked confused, wondering where the ball containing his cursed magic went.


The ground started rumbling slowly, little by little until to got stronger to the point where nobody could stay on their feet still anymore. Poland fell to the ground, shattering his holy magic barrier into millions of pieces before fading away quickly as Germany's earthquake ate up the pieces. The ground was covered in Germany's magic, burning Poland's arm and Vatican's legs.

Germany noticed this and flapped his wings to strain out some blood and black ooze before flying full speed to grab Poland and Vatican into the air before it causes them more harm.
'Germany! What the actual fuck happened!?' Poland grumbled to Germany, Germany watch the events happening below him.

Screaming. Sobbing. Screeching. Cries for help.

He felt like a monster. Was kind of Earthquake was this to ingest the ground with his magic. Tired exploded, humans, living people burned below him and got on top of vehicles, trying to cover their bloody wounds. The ground was practically acidic. Wounds were bone deep and screeched from an average horror movie series was made. Crying from the sting bing sensation going down.

His step brothers were luckily safe, the ground underneath them was sticky and practically glued to the surface. His step sister, New Zealand wasn't enjoying this as much, she was practically drowning in it since she was laying down while fighting an agent. She rolled so she was on the top of the body, only having enough space to breathe properly.

The guilt swallowed Germany harder than his magic physically swallowed New Zealand.
'What. Have. I. Done.' Germany said, word by word, each word getting shakier, not knowing how to stop it unless he dropped Poland and Vatican.

Vatican threw his own magic into the scene, trying to destroy it, instead it just swallowed the holy magic. Making zero difference.

Germany looked at the van and quickly placed the two there, before grabbing American by the shoulders. America was still carrying Czechia, who was practically praying he would touch the magic below him. After successfully yanking him out, Poland also joined in, using his own wings to support him and Czechia while Germany threw America onto the van.

Most of the FBI fled using helicopters, fleeing this disaster. This was no condition to battle in.
Some stayed, specifically like three. Most countries lost over half of their energy as Germany's earthquake magic parasite are their magic like a snack, transferring it all to Germany.

Germany's senses were heightened, to the point where a whisper felt like a yell. His smell was stronger than it was, high smell was stronger than average, much stronger. Now he can smell a fire many kilometers away. His sight, he could see colours other's couldn't. The sky was a rainbow to him. Almost as if he was high on crack. Too much energy is as unhealthy as eating over 10 thousand calories in one day.

He quickly placed down New Zealand after a couple attempts. Feeling overwhelmed. Everything was yelling right at him, hearing words he should. He felt down onto his own magic, which was like dark fog to him. His own magic can't harm him.

'....' Germany felt tired from too much energy. One agent threw a part of a car at him, he grunted as it hit his head and hit his head. The energy was spiraling, his areas where the flag shows starting glowing. His head spun... until a distant alarm, where the ball originally hit started blaring. At this point, he was screaming himself to the point the sound, energy and pain made him pass out.

2005 words

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