31 Fragility

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Glancing at his smart watch, Riftan Calypse continued to pick up his pace. It was difficult to run uphill, but nothing particularly challenging as he used to train on even wilder terrains.

Out of the blues, a shimmer caught his eye. Intrigued, Riftan stopped in his tracks and turned towards the light. He already knew intuitively what it would be; a wild bush of blue hydrangeas with glistering dewdrops reflecting the morning sun.

Riftan's eyes subconsciously lit up to the unexpected occurrence. The land was relatively barren after all.

His thoughts immediately wandered to a happy memory, clearly forgetting his present agenda:

It was a day no more extraordinary than others, except that he was walking beside the most beautiful girl he had ever laid his eyes upon.

His hand was interlocked with hers; cautious not to crush her petite bones in his, yet tight enough to not lose her.

As usual, he had offered a ride to drive the professor home from the police station. They had been dating for some time and had developed a routine. A simple routine really, where they would take time to exchange sweet nothings and tender caresses in his car, just before she heads back home.

The weather was really fine that day, with the sun basking them with warmth and sufficient clouds for shade. Everything felt as pleasant as it could and should be.

A glimmer of sapphire blue had stolen his attention then too, leading him to ask Maxi about her infatuation with this particular flower.

He could no longer contain his curiosity, noting how it was always blossoming at her front porch no matter the season. She always had a fresh stalk by her working desk too.

As usual, Maxi was embarrassed with her answer, dismissing it quickly as a flower that was easy to grow yet brought vibrant colours to her gardens. Despite her blushing cheeks that were rather distracting, Riftan knew however that it was just a half-truth.

He left the answer as it was, and subsequently walked her to the door and bid her goodbye. A kiss sealed on her forehead near her eyes; that was their default departure.

Turning back to his car, Riftan took out his phone. As part of the horticultural course taken for his architectural degree, he knew most flowers had a symbolism behind it. Perhaps he could one day surprise her as well.

However the findings were an oddly melancholic one: Blue hydrangeas symbolised fragility and apology.

What are you sorry about?



"You're a minute late, Captain Calypse."

Quahel Leon clicked his tongue in disapproval just as Riftan arrived at the dining table.

"Yet not the last one to arrive."

Riftan retorted darkly and pulled a chair next to Elliot. He was not going to explain himself, not when he held neither respect nor trust for the man before him.

Folding his arms, the captain surveyed the table. He was careful with the seating arrangement, leaving a chair between the professor and him. Today, she was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and dark denim jeans, with her hair tied to a single plait. Her eyes appeared to be casted with shadow; evidence of a sleepless night.

"I expect utmost discipline during this trip. Every minute matters-"

A loud yawn interjected Quahel's chiding just in time.

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