17 Lure

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Waste management process in modern Anatol emphasised on systematic classification for collection. As such, every citizen were required to sort their waste before disposing them at a community garbage site.

With a few bags in his hands, Riftan strode over to the rubbish chute. Since it was just a short trip out from his apartment at night, he had on his muscle tank top and running shorts. The chill now was more tolerable as compared to his arrival, and he was glad for the seasonal change. Winter clothes were troublesome to layer on.

The site was empty except for him, as it was way past dinner time and most of the residents would have cleared a day's worth of waste by now. Upon reaching the garbage site, Riftan quickly sorted his disposal. He was about to head straight home when he heard a sound.


Gathering his brows, Riftan glanced around. Am I hearing things again? He had not seen any stray cats around since moving here. Moreover, the cry was soft enough to be mistaken for a neighbour's infant.


No. An infant's cry would have been longer and more persistent. With his curiosity piqued, Riftan squatted low to the ground. However as the garbage site was dimly lit, it would not be easy to spot the cat if it had chosen to hide in some obscure corners.

"Meow? Meow!"

Startled, Riftan raised his head immediately at the new tone. It cannot be. That was unmistakably a human voice, and it sounded very much familiar. With his hair standing on end, Riftan crept towards the direction of the voice. It led him to the back of the garbage site where filled bins were waiting to be collected the following morning. A rancid smell seized his nose but he was already accustomed to the smell of rotten matters in his line of work.

"Don't be afraid, kitty."

His instinct had proven his rationality wrong. Even though he was convincing himself that not all voices sounded like her and she could not possibly be here — there she was, crouching by a bin despite its putrid stench.

"Meow? Come here, kitty. You'll be safer with me."

Riftan stood motionless, staring at Maximillian.

Unlike her formal attire at the station, the professor was now in a midi dress the shade of midnight blue. Her hair was tied up still,  though it was much looser than the previous high ponytail. Her braid, along with a small yellow bag she was carrying, slid down her shoulder as she tried to coax the cat out of hiding.

Swallowing drily, Riftan could not help himself but allow his eyes to savour the petite figure hungrily. The few months apart, despite his self-persuasion, did nothing to ease the emotions he held for her.

His eyes wandered about on her and Riftan noticed that there were lines on her pale slender arms. Some of them were embossed with inflammation while others had tiny beads of red trickling. The cat must have scratched the professor during her attempt to get near it.

Concerned, Riftan decided to approach the professor. Bending his back so as to reduce his intimidating height, he slowly walked over to Maximillian. He had to get close behind her in order not to scare the cat further away. The close proximity he ended up with her almost set his senses aflame. Leaning close to her ears, he muttered.


Maximillian almost jumped in fright if not for Riftan's firm hand on her shoulder. Turning back with alarmed eyes, the professor covered her mouth to contain her gasp. Her cheeks immediately turned red upon recognising the man.

Under the Oak Tree - Time Before YouHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin