22 Reptiles

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The following morning, the team gathered for a meeting. Captain Calypse clicked his tongue as he entered the conference room with an Americano in his hand. Despite the return of Maximillian, he was still unable to get much pleasant sleep, so this was already his second shot of caffeine to survive the early hours. Indeed, the sun was not even up yet even though it was nearing summer.

He quickly scanned the room and noted that the invitation was only extended to the higher-ranking detectives — Chief Nirta, Lieutenant Rikaido, Sergeant Charon and himself. Coroner Serbel was also in the room, albeit taking a nap in a corner. Riftan wrinkled his nose at the unfortunate sight. Does he even spare time to bathe?

"Good morning, my boys!"

Like a visiting relative that nobody asked for, Chief Nirta greeted the room enthusiastically. Noting the cold response, the orange-haired giant grumbled with feigned disappointment before pointing to the pastry boxes sitting amidst the documents on the table.

"Have some croissants, you cold bastards."

Upon the mention of complimentary breakfast, Ruth immediately sat up and rolled his chair over to help himself. The smell of rich butter immediately wafted out from the boxes, prompting Uslin and Elliot to react quickly as well. Only Riftan remained in his seat as he was cautious what the bribery would entail.

"Captain, captain. I'm so disappointed in you. Do you distrust me that much? This is a treat from the Rem Foundation — the missus baked this herself."

Hebaron teased and chuckled when Riftan got to his feet promptly. Just as the men were tucking greedily into the pastries, a loud knock landed on the door.

"I didn't know that breakfast was part of the meeting agenda."

From the footsteps and sarcastic tone, Riftan already knew that the intruder was Prosecutor Leon without even looking up from his croissant.

"Sorry, it's my bad. I was the one who brought them here. I thought not everyone may have taken breakfast since the meeting is so early."

Peering up immediately upon the second voice, Riftan was about to smile at the professor when he noticed her embarrassed over the prosecutor's remark. Directing his annoyance at Quahel Leon, he chided.

"Don't apologise."

The captain then rolled his chair over to Maximillian and commented with an gentler tone.

"I didn't know you'll be here this morning too."

His day was now starting on a brighter note than he had anticipated. The captain surveyed Maximillian discreetly, noting how her waist was accentuated by the navy pencil skirt she was wearing today. I wish we can always start the morning together... and certainly not in this office.

"If you're done wasting time, we're getting down to business."

Quahel hissed as he set up his laptop to the projector. Noting the lack of discipline, the prosecutor then cleared his throat rudely to command absolute attention from the room.

"As some of you may know, the professor and I were away for the past three weeks on confidential investigation."

The blonde man paused dramatically before tilting his head at Riftan. Riftan felt his blood pressure rising upon the provocation.

"Today, we've gathered a few of you to be part of a cross-continental team. Each of you have been cherry-picked by the HQ and myself, and it is with upmost importance that you'd honour this trust HQ has bestowed upon you."

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