14 Impulse

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"Chief! Chief! Chief!"

The team egged on Chief Nirta, yelling and cheering as they held their drinks up in the air. Hebaron pretended to blush with embarrassment. He then stood up and waved to the crowd, gamely stepping onto the stage. The room immediately darkened on cue and the LED lights began to sway to the song the man had picked from the karaoke machine.

"And so it is just like you said it would be, life goes easy on me..."

Riftan felt himself shudder in horror. It was a disturbing sight to witness the orange-haired giant bawl his coarse vocals out to the refined ballad of Damien Rice.

What a way to violate the song.

The captain cussed and gulped down his soda water. He was seated next to Uslin and could feel the dark aura emitted from the lieutenant. The latter was clearly not a fan of the singing too and was probably still raging about the latest update from HQ. Riftan understood the frustration, but was well aware that there was nothing they could do. The police department could be extremely hierarchal, and this was just one of the many examples. Ruffling his hair, Riftan tried to shake off the anger and looked around the room instead.

Despite his seemingly nonchalant façade, Riftan had been keeping a close watch on the red-haired woman since they entered the karaoke bar. Seated a table away from him, Maximillian was sandwiched between a few of his female colleagues and Sidina was continuously pouring drinks into the professor's cup. Riftan narrowed his eyes every time a new jug came over, but remained in his chair since the professor seemed to be enjoying the company. How much alcohol can this petite body contain? Her cheeks were flustered to a sweet shade of peach now, and her silver eyes dilated even more adoringly under the dim lighting. Despite the noisy commotion, Riftan was still able to differentiate her bubbly laughter clearly.

"I can't take my eyes off of you, I can't take my eyes off you..."

The awful bawling from microphone snapped Riftan from his trance. Chief Nirta was now on the repetitive chorus of the song. If banshees exist, this is exactly how they will sound like. Annoyed, Riftan held his glass mug up and waved to the bartender for a refill. His eyes were still on the giggling professor when a presence suddenly stood before him. Riftan frowned as he stared straight into the figure blocking his view.

"Here's your soda, handsome."

The waitress slurred her words in her attempt to sound more... sensual? Her spilling bosom were in full view as she bent over flirtatiously to pour his drink. Bewildered, Riftan almost choked when the woman placed a hand on his thigh. A loud cough erupted from his throat. The hand were now between his legs.

"Missus. Please know that even though we're men, we have the rights to sue you for sexual harassment too. I'd like a can of coke — the real thing, not zero."

Standing up quickly, the waitress swore as she removed her hand and hurried off. Despite having only met once, the captain remembered the distinctive voice of his timely saviour. Only one man could be so languish in his movement and words.

"Clearly not a fan of The Blower's Daughter, Captain?"

"It's the singer, not the song."

Riftan replied in disdain, concealing his relief. Peering up, his onyx eyes met the silvery-blue ones of the chief coroner.

"Don't look at me that way. Elliot invited me over."

"And is this the only seat left?"

"No, but I do like that it's in the dark."

Clicking his tongue, Riftan however understood where Ruth was coming from. The captain had chosen this table because it was the furthest from the stage. And also provided an ideal location to watch over the professor. It was unfortunate that Uslin and Ruth had followed his intention. While he was certain the lieutenant would enjoy the silent company, Riftan was unsure about the chief coroner's intention. He seems like a nosy man.

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