06 Irrationality

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The euphonious voice chimed in Riftan Calypse's ears and lured his attention back to the grounds. A fresh shower of icy cotton had began to rain upon the scene, hitting his face softly but continuously. Riftan rubbed his eyes. It was nearly impossible to clear his vision. The soul-captivating view before him was blurring the definition between reality and illusion.


Before the man could react in time, two large orbs mirroring the winter lake he had just seen came into range. Her doe-like pupils dilated wildly at the sight of him, like a deer caught in the headlights of a speeding car.


She stuttered as if the hideous sight of him held her words hostage. Frozen to the ground, Riftan swallowed dryly. Her fear of him was still the same from this morning. With cautious hands, he reached into his jacket for his identification and struggled not to break contact with those petrified eyes. He was afraid any sudden movement might send the woman fleeing in fear.

"Captain Riftan Calypse-"

Upon hearing his introduction, the woman gasped in shock. A petite gloved hand flew to cover her mouth instantaneously, as she shakily regarded him from head to toe. He felt like a monster. Frustrated, Riftan grappled with his rationality that he was here on work matters. He pressed on firmly.

"Anatol Police Department, homicide department. I'm looking for Professor M."

"Th-that's me."

Riftan observed the professor as the vulnerability in her eyes suddenly hardened like a frozen lake after a blizzard. Straightening the same cream-coloured coat he had seen with her hands, the woman walked towards him with poise and extended an ungloved hand. It was as if she had recalibrated herself for an entirely different persona.

"M for Maximillian. Pleasure to me-meet you."

"...pleasure to meet you too."

Taking her petite fingers in his, Riftan made every effort not to reveal his unease and shook her hands firmly. Maxi. Her name lingered pleasantly in his mouth, like the aftertaste of strawberry-flavoured cotton candy.

"It's starting to snow. Let's talk more when we're indoors."

Nodding wordlessly in response, Riftan picked up his strides after the professor. The warmth from their physical contact continued to linger on his palm. Riftan flexed his fingers in anguish on the side of his body. He could feel blood rushing from his fingers, up to his ears and into his heart. Even though the two were walking in silence with a shoulder-length distance between them, the proximity they were in prompted Riftan to hide his hands into the pockets of his bomber jacket. It was the least he could do to contain his sanity.

The woods had since fallen back into tranquillity after his disturbance.

His five senses were heightened to a critical level just by being in her presence. The sound of her breathing was an excruciating melody to his ears. The scent of rose emitting from her exposed skin was an intoxication to his nose. And every time a cool breeze blew, the beautiful strands of her red hair threatening to graze upon his skin was driving him mad. He was constantly torn if he should repositioned his posture to allow that, or avoid it to maintain the soundness of his mind.

Riftan mentally cussed at himself. Why was his rationality seeping every time he saw her? It was unlike him to be head-over-heels for the opposite gender. Moreover for a woman whom he barely knew and had reservations about her connections with the case.

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